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Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
It's downloading now, Murph...will listen tomorrow...looking forward to it.
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Great tune, murph. Really well done.
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Very nice job, Murph...good job on mix & production of a very good song. Are you singing?
thanks, Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Yes, excellent job Murph. Good playing, singing, recording..... good job all round.
Beware of phasing issues though. There's a heap of stuff happening in the anti-phase area on the Waves PAZ analyzer. Listen to your tracks in mono to see what is missing. |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
If you see this... I need a copy of your song 'Father's Day' (that I played on) if you have it. I lost it in a recent crash. I'm building a 'collaborators' page (with 23 others so far). thanks, Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Had a band in this weekend and had a great time recording them. Very LIVE feel (Not the band) However they do have a 311 vibe and sort of Incubus style. Here is a rough mixed version without vocals. That is coming this week. Anyways, enjoy and comments are always welcome as usual. I will post the other songs later when I get them mixed.... OUT OF AIR Snare = SM57 (top) Snare = Oktava 012 (bottom) Small Tom = SM57 Middle = Sennheiser 421 Floor = Sennheiser 421 Kick = D112 Overheads = Oktava 012 (XY pattern) Bass = SANS AMP RBI Guitar mic'd with a sennheiser E609 Silver with numerous pedals rockin' Drum Verb = Lexicon PCM90. Set to a medium room... Guitars have Waves TrueVerb IT WAS FUN! -Doc |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks for checking it out. Yes I'm singing, played piano, synth strings, synth bass, midi drums. My friend Adam did all the guitars. The song's about ten years old. One of my favorite songs by my absolute favorite songwriter Steve Lukather. I always wanted to do a version, so I used this as a benchmark for my first "psuedo solo" project. |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
That's precisely the type of response I was looking for. Thanks. This piece is my personal "report card" for the two years I've been trying to turn myself into a ProTools engineer. I'm gonna throw the PAZ on the Master bus and probe around. If you don't mind expounding a bit...what should I be looking/listening for? I imagine there are a number of ways I could have incurred some latency and phasing...plug-ins, AUX busses...my analog Master Mix... This is another example of the invaluable knowledge I get from you guys. I've been trying to grasp the whole phasing/delay/latency matter in my continuing self-education but I've been slacking. I really need to bear down and conquer it before I move on to bigger and better things. Thanks for your input. Bill |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Just listened to the mix in mono, and for sure the reverb and delay are pretty much gone. I used outboard verb on the mix, so maybe I'm doing that wrong. I'm going to listen to individual tracks and AUX busses in mono later tonight when I have more time and see what I can find. Thanks again for the heads up. I can tell already that I'm going to learn alot from this!! Bill |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
This phase thing is a pain to sort out sometimes. And quite often it isn't even worth sorting out. If the mix still sounds "OK" in mono, then leave it. Let's face it..... of the (less than) 1% of people likely to listen to your stuff in mono, most of them will be on a system/speaker so crappy, that they wouldn't hear subtle reverb and delay even if it was there. I've even run PAZ over professional commercial mixes from artists like Sting and Peter Gabriel, and there's still plently of phase issues in there. So basically, unless instuments are disappearing or changing drastically, it's probably not worth getting too hung up about. |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey you guys... I lost a song called 'Major Baby' in a crash. If anybody may happen to have a copy, please let me know.
thanks muchly, Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Chris, I love the guitars on this, drums sound great too....and excellent mix so far IMO...will be interesting to hear it with vox. Please post the next phase... very good job. -Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
First off, thanks for the compliments! The vocals will be this week I hope. Probably Thursday or Friday. They did 2 other songs, but I have not fully mixed them yet, and they too lack vocals. I was very impressed with these guys. One, they are seniors in High School except for the singer. They won recording time with me awhile back, so this was a freebie for them, and fun for me! I am VERY HAPPY so far with the results. The other two are very similar. I will send you the rough mix if I can. Thanks, and I will definitely post the next phase! Thanks, -Doc |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Chris,
Sounds Great ! Nice job on the drums. Looking forward to the vocals also. These guys are quite good. Really nice job, Murph...keep going with the solo project, you have a very nice start. Take Care, Gene |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Very nice! Drums sound really good! You've set yourself up nicely for a really great vocal track. Hope we get to hear the final. |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
This is the first time posting a song to this board but I am hoping for some good and bad feedback. This is close to being a final mix but would like to here from you guys for some + and -'s about the mix its self, the song, the performance, ECT. My punch list so far is as follows: 1. Tightn up the intro breaks 2. Remove hi hatt count going into the interlude 3. Fix guitar solo autamation the left side is a little low 4. Vocals could set a little better in the Mix I would like to here what you guys think. I have been lurking on this board since the 001 came out years ago now. Alot of the decisions and gear used came from comments off of this board so in a way you all had a influnce in my methods. I will post this in a couple of places so hope that it does not piss anyone off just would like as much feedback as posiable. And if you think something sucks or you could of done this better that is all cool that is what I (we) am looking for just explaine why insted of saying that "it sucks" Thanks for your time. Hope you like it. Saviour.MP3 Thanks to Doyle Tipler for helping convert to MP3 |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Ok, here it goes.
I've been trying to get up the courage to post a tune on here. I recorded this a year ago, and just pulled it out to work on the mix and get a final copy for some song contests that I want to enter. Please take a few minutes to listen and give your critque. It is greatly appreciated. Still Loving You I am going for the Jim Brickman, David Foster type of sound. Thanks in advance. |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I like the feel of that piece, the drums sound really great! I appreciate you showing which mics you used for the different instruments. Were you running the drums through your Digimax? thanks and most definitely post the song when vocals come along. ev |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
First off, thanks for the compliments. Drums are indeed my wosrt thing. I am a guitarist so that comes first! I did use the Digimax LT for all the drums. Channels 1 thru 8 were used. I usually do it this way and really use the DIGI pre's for guitar mics only. I am waiting on a Focusrite ISA428 for a new high end pre for channels 5 - 8. That will help a lot too, but yes the Digimax it was. Works pretty well I think. Thanks, and I will post the final stuff this weekend. I track their vocals on Friday. Hopefully all three songs I can post. Later, Doc |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Just lovely, beautiful voice and really nice arrangement. Thanks for posting ! Take Care, Gene |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Yeah, i've always been fond of this one. My friend Sarah sang it very well. Anything stick out at you as far as the mix? Thanks |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Very pretty song...nice mix, and good job on all the midi. What do you use for Midi? -Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I actually didn't use any midi on this one. I played all the parts in "live" on my Triton and Alesis Quadrasynth Keyboards. When I do use midid, I use on of those two boards. Thanks again. |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Well, you obviously play really well...very nice piece. Post some more when you get a chance. ~Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Sounds good overall...good song. Good job on the bass (that's you, right?). The solo panning seems a little much to me. I would probably just put the trade-off licks on separate tracks, one left and one right. But I think you mentioned you aren't through with it, and you probably have an idea of what you want. Anyway, good job overall...sounds like it's coming together. Keep posting your progress and your new stuff too. -Roy |
Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Great work, everyone. The following tracks were recorded with an older system running on a G3 desktop. I don't know how Boses did it to tell you the truth. Three mp3's from Floodwater Brown. (blues)
Floodwater Brown |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanx Roy,
The solo has been fun to play with. The idea is there but as you say the panning and volume need some more tweaking. This is the first song I got to track with my new Warwick Thumb 4 string through a David Eden amp and 4 x 10 cab. Then I am running through a apopgee mini me one channel direct and one micked on the Cab recorded on seperate tracks. This has alot of tone options in the mix. I am finding that blending them diferently in diferent songs has alot of benifit in getting the low end to sit right depending on the song. That Soft limit feature on the mini me is the bomb for bass and vocals. Quote:
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Man thats some trippy shiznit that makes me waunt a keyboard bad. The top end is very alive and breathy. Nice job. Also Doyle, Same goes for your song, the vocals are realy preaty and some nice keys in there as well. Quote:
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Here is another song from our first demo CD done in 2001. It was the first song we recorded with the 001. The mix is preaty bad but it was my first one so cant expect perfection the first time but it gives a perspective of how far I have come at recording and mixing as well as playing.
Check out the solo maybe I should post it in the best solo thread This guy can rip it out. Then I'll Know.MP3 I will be posting the 2004 version in a couple of weeks. |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
IntelDoc- Great mix, sounds very good... the drums sound great. I woulda liked to hear a little more attack on the kick but that's probably just my phones.
kroNEe- Saviour: good overall mix... drums are really dry and the snare is pretty weak it gets better after the solo. bass sounds great. Then I'll Know: I like this mix better than the first ...sorry i know you don't want to hear that. The only thing about this one is a little more guitar presence. doylemusic- ahhh! 80's ballad good stuff. Roy- good stuff as usual... the only thing i wished I heard when I listen to your stuff is real drums but your programming is getting really good. Micah |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks! Vocals are tonight, and I will get the kick up a notch. I may be able to pipe them through a pair of Distressors so that will help ALOT! I think that I can get them where I want though! Thanks! I think that they sound GREAT! Very impressed by these guys! I will post the final cong when I get it done this weekend... -DOC |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Just heard the 2 tracks you sent me(without vox)...good mix job on both of them, and I especially like 'Speedys'. Nice guitar sounds throughout. You're doing a fine job with these guys, IMO. Looking forward to hearing vox too. -Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks ROY!
We tracked tonight and it turned out pretty well. I plan on mixing them on Sunday in the morning. Have a CD realease party to go to for Laughing Colors tomorrow. Good friends of mine. www.laughingcolors.com Thanks for the compliments though. The singer was pretty good for the most part. I think that they sound a lot like old Incubus now that I hear vocals. Still good though. More soon! Time for ZZZZzzzz's. Thanks again! I think that this is the best stuff I have done so far. I am very happy with the results and overall clarity. -Doc |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks, Micah.... |
Goat Dance Video
Hey Roy,
In answer to your question a pg. or so back. I used a straight 8mm camera to shoot and a VideoVision NuBus system with Premiere 4 to edit it, a few years back... I hate to say it but like 8 or 10 years back . I got all of the efx by tweeking the video input upon capture into Premiere. You can really do a lot with a little if you get creative. The biggest challenge was to get a 4 gig file smashed down to net size and still have anything at all left to see or hear. I like media cleaner pro for that job and I have everything that compresses' A/V, including Apple's Compressor, which is kinda lame in some areas. Now days I use a sony digital8 to shoot with (I think its a DCR-TRV-230) and firewire camera control, the low end sony cameras are fine as long as you throw strong light onto the subject, they are really weak in low light. I have made a ton of videos that compete with MTV stuff where some serious dollars were spent. With Premiere 6 I can grab ins and outs, while in Fast Forward or Fast Rewind on the camera; I have FCP4, however I use it about 50% of the time, mixed with Premiere, depends on the pject. I like digital8, because the tape is more hardy than the mini dv tape. Also there is a backup program that you can use to dump up to 15 gigs of digital data to a 120m HI8 tape, on your camera using firewire, which is handy, when a DVD will not hold an entire collection of session(s) data. I have to say that even though I have final cut pro, final cut express is faster, less crashy and easier to use Vs FCP. BTW: Pro Tools will import and handle DV in 5.1.1 and up, at least it does for me. I do post production in it all the time, with DV on the same screen as PT, (although its less choky of you spit the DV out to an NTSC monitor) and up to 12 or 15 post tracks no problem, never any slip problems... yet. I think in this day and age (sadly) a person seeking a record deal, had better be as serious about making their own video as their own audio. DVD Studio Pro 2.0.4 is another must have if a person wants to get their message out there, in a powerful way, for not a lot of bucks. At any rate let the .mp3's continue. Regards e Partial list of album credits/editor. http://members.dslextreme.com/users/apple/ Video Boy at work.... http://members.dslextreme.com/users/...ing%20goat.mov some music I did with PT.... Songs with vocals... http://members.dslextreme.com/users/mac911/ Songs Instrumentals... http://members.dslextreme.com/users/eman/ |
Re: Goat Dance Video
editor, That's interesting...I have a Super8, but just got a mini DV. I've been converting a lot of analog film to digital lately, and I've got some video things in mind coming up. thanks for describing your technique..... ~Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Origianl song ,.. ant thoughts on the song,.. good/bad?.... Like/dislike?
www.creationstudios.org/inthemidst Johnny |
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