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Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
OK Doc...
I'm sitting here at work checking out your 17 year old wonder-boy. :-) Nice recording man! Acoustic guitar sounds beautiful and spacious and alive. This cat has THAT voice that is SO in vogue now. I turn on rock radio and all the men (and its mostly men on rock radio isn't it?) seem to sound like this kid. Ya know that...Gravely, I'm all man but full of angst too and not afraid to show it...voice. :-) So he'll fit right in that format. My only arrangement thought/suggestion...is that I'd like to hear something more interesting on the harmonies. I think that would add some more color and make those sections jump out more. And of course, I'd like to hear some counterpoint melodies played on piano or rhodes...but this is my prediliction towards coloration and probably not what you're intending. Nice work! Good luck with it... -todd amodeo |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
http://www.tonyfinger.co.uk/media/body2body.mp3 http://www.tonyfinger.co.uk/media/gettogether.mp3 http://www.tonyfinger.co.uk/media/magicsax.mp3 http://www.tonyfinger.co.uk/media/angelvibes.mp3 enjoy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here *DELETED*
Post deleted by silence_of_stone
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Stone,
Take it easy man... I get all types of hits on my site. Trust me, I know everyone that hits the site, where they are from, and what time they were on... Do they all reply? NOPE! Do I care, nope.. Just because ya post out here it is not set in stone that they are going to reply. It has been weeks since some of the usuals have even been to this section. Holidays man! Times are busy! End year stuff, ya know...... If it means anything to ya, I listened to the song and it sounds good! Has a ver live feel to it. Like the subtle keys in the background. I think that it is a LIVE mix no??? I would bump up the vocals more.... Fatten up the base some... the Toms and snare sound great, cannot hear the kick, but that may be the cheapy headphones I have on at work. Do not fret man! They are listening... Like the song... "No need to waste my time" right. Patience man! Have a good T-Day -Doc |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Don't take it personally Kev. My last post in here got a grand total of one comment. And that was from good old Roy. (so that doesn't count )
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I just read your post.....I thought you were kidding at first. Most of us have posted things that got no response at one time or another. All I can tell you, is that this is an open DUC thread for everybody. Nobody is obligated to review everything that is posted here, including you. Nobody expects you (or me) to review and comment on every song posted here. I suggest you just keep posting if your looking for feedback on your music. ~Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Mark... (good old Roy...hehe). We have a dog food brand here in the U.S. called "Ol' Roy" , with Roy the dog on every bag...it always makes me smile when I see it. |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Well i've got another one up.. no words/vocals once again..
If I can just start poppping out lyrics as quick as songs here, I might be on to something!!! Just wrote it last night, I still think it's missing something though. I tried to fill it in with the soft snare in the background, but Im not sure how I feel about that yet.. it's named illude tim |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
sound of silence/Kevin,
'40 Miles'... good song...interesting choruses ('I don't mind")...good drummer too. One thing, is there is a slight distortion happening, and it's hard to tell what it is (like something clipping overall...). Anyway, it's a good song. Thanks for posting. -Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I have a new one, the link is at:
http://www.jasonwardenburg.com/duc/ducmp3.html the song is little dove. I actually don't like the song, but I just got a great river me1nv, so I tried it out on vox and I wanted to see what you all thought. You can really hear that L2 on the peaks, and the amp for the vol gtr parts was really noisy. Also, check out "If I ever came back to you", both versions. Version 2 has the bass retracked thru the great river, what a difference over my lousy presonus "toob" pre. thanks! bp |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Great song...I love the percussion on it, regardless how it was done...the vocals are sincere, and the looseness of the production is cool... thanks for the listen... -Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
'little dove'... that Great River pre sounds great both on your lead and bkgrd vox. I do hear what you mean about a 'noisy' something going on, but your voice sounds great to me. Good lyrics too. -Roy metaltim, 'Ilude' is probably the most 'serene' thing I've heard you do... I like what the guitars are playing...nice peaceful piece. thanks for letting me listen... -Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Well, I finally got to listen to the 9, well 10 songs including 'Credits', that you did such a great job engineering. The acoustic guitars are recorded well in every song, and there are some very cool touches and enhancements throughout. I really liked what you did on 'Fly', for instance. 'Serenity'...very nice, as well as 'My Life'. Good job overall on recording the artist, IMHO. thanks for letting us listen... - Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
toddamo, I'm usually not too into synth-heavy music, but on 'Sailing Through September', the vocals and the song itself (th chords, music) got to me anyway. Who's the vocalist (you?)...I really enjoyed it...It's a really unique song. Good job. thanks, Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
BesnikB, These are very well done...it's obviously not in English, but it's a tight production throughout. Where are you located, and what language is this? thanks for posting... -Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks man! I had a good time wih it! He has his own sound, but still has a Goo Goo sond in my opinion. Kinda strange, but cool. Not everyone heard all the songs, but thanks for the review! Next month his band is coming in to do it all again. Should be a good thing! The effects and such just kinda clicked in one day, and the compressor (LA2A) just setttled in better when I leveled out the guitars one day. Carl gave me that idea with the compressor. Probably will not use another one again. Like to get the real one! not Waves! :-) and I finally found a good reverb setting that I like in TrueVerb. Still buying the PCM91 and an eventide though! Always wanted one! You probably like those too with your crazy guitar playing style! Well off to "Real Work." Talk to you all soon, have a great holiday weekend! -Doc |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks for the kind words about the track. Yes, that's me singing and playing except for the drum loops which I cut out of a magazine. Especially thanks for the 'unique' label! That's really what I'm pushing for. The world seems to have enough pop-rock-guitar stuff by now. Cheers, -todd |
Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
I put up a new mix on the page this morning. A ska song called Perpetual Bob. Check it out and all the rest if you want. Lots of great stuff on this post!
http://www.soundclick.com/bands/0/sneakypetemusic.htm |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thank you for taking the time to listen. I know you put a lot of effort into this and it is really appreciated. BTW, It looks that Ol’ Roy rated 5 stars in the reviews. See Ol’ Roy . Too much! Badperson, Thanks for your inputs. I mixed the bass up a bit uploaded a new mix. I’m sending you an email on your offer (thanks for that too!). Happy Thanksgiving, - Chris Hangtown Recording |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
i have to admit it started with my interest in coldplay.. I just love there stuff.. all mellow.. peace out and have a good bird day tim |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
That's a hoot... |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
thank you for spending your time to give me your opinion about my song. PEACE |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
My latest:
http://www.jasonwardenburg.com/duc/holdon.mp3 This is my first tune using the new great river pre for everything. omg, what a difference over that presonus "toob" pre. I'll never go back. the vox aren't really done, I'm not really into the lyrics, and I'll rewrite them and do a new, better vocal, but I wanted to get reactions on the mix, particulary the bass. I think it sounds good, but I'd like it to be more confined to a part of the sonic space instead of spread out like it is. I think I'd need a good amp (and a good bass) for that, though. bp |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Just doing a little listening,
I thought "magicsax" had great groove. was this done in reason? silence of stone, if you're still here, I thought your song 40 miles was very cool, I felt myself wanting to hear more of the guitars in the first half of the song, but the song and arrangement sound very good, very tight. metaltim, what are you doing for drums in your song? are those samples? I like the simple, musical arrangement very much, just a tiny criticism, is it possible the drums are too quantized in parts? It feels like maybe a beat should be anticipated or something, not sure, but a very good tune. besnikB; Your song souned great. Is it done in reason? thanks. bp |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Just listened to 'Hold on'...it's funny, but when I listen to some of your stuff, I'll sometimes hear imperfections that could maybe tighten up a little, but about halfway through I don't care much because the song is cool anyway. Maybe it's all this digital perfection or something, or just that I like your vocals, but I always like your stuff. Nice choruses...and yeah, your new pre does make everything sound better overall. Post it again if you do remix it. -Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey guys.. I'm still here. (silence/graveleye).
I jsut want to apologize. I have been under a lot of stress lately and I wigged out on my friends here when I shouldnt have the other day. I'm usually better at handling myself, and I am embarrassed at my public pity party. I hope you will forgive me. Thanks for the responses - really! Not really much of an excuse, but I have been painting my house against the seasonal clock, mom broke her foot and I had to cook Thanksgiving dinner for her, and take care of her, and I am readying my house for sale so I can build a real live studio and start a new career instead of the sh*t business I am in now. waaaahhh.. I'm reaaly sorry folks. Thanks for bearing with me during my online nervous breakdown. Hopefully Christmas will be better. Thanks for your support and understanding. Kev |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hello All
This is my DUC Debut www.stutunes.0catch.com/DingDongSerialKillersDead.mp3 any feedback is appreciated and will be reciprocated on your songs Thanks Stu |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I applaud your creativity on 'Serial Killer'...it's more than a song, it's a mini-opera, , and you did a great job on it. Very interesting piece, Stu. When I worked on 'Po Boy' with you, it was obvious that you're very good with theme-based productions... this one is very well done...thanks for the listen. ~Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I'm just happy to see you're still here. |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks Roy I do seem to focus better on themes than I do on say the "standard love song".This particular tune I started along time ago and had to put it on the shelf for a lack of time to work on it.
I do want to thank you for your help with midi.By learning how to use midi properly I see what a great tool I have been missing Particularly with drums.Thanks again Stu and I will be listening to your newest this evening.Later Stu |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Roy I just tried to listen to ah baby and it was not working.
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
That's a great track. Everything's very clean and clear. Is that you playing the piano? Very nice. |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
DaBasstard(Brian)'s server(w/'Aah Baby' on it) has been down all weekend and I think he may be visiting relatives or something. I have a new song to post that was sung by Zach Ziskin (zboy2854). Aussie/Mark, if you see this, please IM me. I may ask you to post the song for me temporarily til my site's back up. I'de like you guys to hear it. thanks, Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Aussie Thanks for your compliments.I played all the parts and had my wife and kids help out on the ding dong chorus at the end.
I just listened to Think Of You and have some comments for you.I enjoyed the song. The vocalist has a very unique voice with an earthy quality to it.I think she could sing rock country or even blues (very versatile voice). Your acoustic guitars sound great.I have tried many times unsuccessfully to record acoustic guitars and have never been able to get a good sound, not even on a friends very expensive Martin.Is this a live recording the drums and bass sound like they may have been tracked live with the acoustics overdubbed.Overall Your mix sounds totally pro to me.Great Job Later Stu |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
This is called 'Everyone's a Fool (for Somebody)'... the lead vocal was done by Zach Ziskin(zboy2854)... rough mix, but it's coming along...
~Roy p.s.thanks Mark... |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
WoW Factor.What a good song.Man Do I like that song.That high background vocal with your slide playing in unison is a really cool effect sounds almost synth like.
The Hook on this tune is setup perfectly with the pause using your mandolin sound.It makes you wait just a little longer than you think. ZBOY Really good job singing this. Roy I think you have out done yourself on this one.This song does not have one part in it that sounds forced it flows perfectly.I will add this to my DUC collection Later stu |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Also, Roy I like your work as always. What do you use for pre's? bp |
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