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Roy Howell 11-16-2001 03:59 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Thanks very much for the complement.

On my guitar sounds, I've been using a Digitech RP2000 processor, and I sometimes mike a couple of Fender amps(a DeVille w/4-10's, and a small jam amp). I also had my guitar built, and it's supposed to be a cross between a Strat and a Les Paul.

But, the RP2000 is editable, which helps me pinpoint what I want. I also use a POD sometimes in the 'Big' studio here.

Thanks again about the song, though. Can't wait to finish this new thing...


GP 11-17-2001 09:47 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Yes, I ve been using the POD latley on a project I'm doing the guitar trcks on....Ive had it for a year now but I finally came up with some good edits that these guys actually love. I've started using it on some of my own works(in progress [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] ), but at first didn't really like it much over mic'n amps.
If I come across any exceptional strats out there, I'll let ya know. [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

Roy Howell 11-17-2001 10:18 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Thanks, my friend... I noticed in your Profile thing that you're in Canada, so I envy you. I've been to Calgary, and skiied in the Northern Rockies of Banff. It's a beautiful place. Believe it or not, I've written jingles for every Province up there in the past. In which one do you live, if you don't mind me asking?

Thanks, Roy

Voutsonios 11-17-2001 11:33 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hello all

since this thread has changed page i ll put the link on my new song here aswell

I havent got proper monitors so i really want to know how it sounds
let me know what you think - doesnt have to be good - i can take any comments - thats how i ll learn [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

The song is called "in a shallow end"


Mark_Knecht 11-17-2001 11:56 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Listening as I type. It's well put together musically. Sonically, I'm not really hearing the bass very well, and the drum kit sounds really sort of 'flat'. The guitar/s sound pretty good to me. (Now I want yo to know that even though I might post something that sounds very different in a day or two, I really enjoyed my days seeing the original Black Sabbath live.)

The drum sound issue might just be the samples you're using if this is some MIDI based drum kit. If this is a live drummer, then the room and mic techniques aren't helping his sound at all. Fill me in on which it is...

The ending was a bit abrupt.

Enjoyed it.


Voutsonios 11-17-2001 03:19 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi Mark
i believe your comments are about me (you havent got a name)

The thing is that i dont have proper monitos - i use multimedia pc speakers [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img]
and your comments are very usefull thnx

The guitars are from my POD 2.0 with RQ6 from waves
The drums are from kalava samples edited in SONAR with C1 compressor and the reverd that Sonar has
I took the bass sounds from my Ry20 drum machine

I can not understand what you mean by the term "flat" for the drum sound - maybe i know it but my english are not helping
Can you please rephrase it?
About the ending - i think it is abrupt too
but i was so anxious to post it and hear your comments so i didnt recorded properly musically

THnx again [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

Mark_Knecht 11-17-2001 05:51 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Sorry about forgetting to put your name in. My fault. And your english is fine. I think sometimes us 1 language speaking Americans use too many terms that sound fine to us, but folks from other parts of the globe don't get it. My fault, not yours.

I guess what I meant by flat was that they didn't sound like a big drum set getting hit hard by a drummer. They just sort of sounded thin, or maybe no depth. It's not the playing/programming of them, it's just the sound. I'm thinking about John Bonham or Keith Moon. Compare that with this and that's where I get 'flat'.

Don't take that personally. There's no reason to if you're using samples, because it isn't you! Maybe it's a question of how you get better samples more than the anything else. Or figuring out how to use them better. They were my biggest problem with the sound.

On the bass statement, I meant the bass guitar, not bass drum. Sorry. For me it just wasn't coming through like I'd expect. I'm having problems like that also. I have a feelign that you have too much duplication of frequencies in your bass and somethign else, and the bass just isn't standing out in my ears.

With all of that, I still enjoyed it!


IOP Drummer 11-17-2001 06:09 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
2 of our songs with new vocals on them. They are the top two songs on the site. Check them out. The tope song came out good, but the second wasn't performed so well in my opinion. ASYLUMOGRAPHY

Voutsonios 11-17-2001 07:57 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
thnx a lot - i really appreciate your thoughts
I believe you are right about the drums but i ve always been using samples or drum machines since i dont have the luxury to record a real drummer - this is still my main
brainteazer - how to make samples, sound as real as possible - and to be honest this song has the best results i ever got - i ve a long way to go though [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

as fat as the bass in concerned, its true that its not defined very well in the mix but in my ears and in these cruppy monitors it sounded balanced and it worked nice with the guitars - but thats just me [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

Thnx very much for your feedback

ReniuR 11-18-2001 11:51 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I've found that with drum machines and MIDI, if I compress it, it tends to sound small or flat. Try your samples without compression and see what you think.

Mr_Seven 11-18-2001 03:53 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I just finished working on a couple of projects where we used VST drums. They're real drums played by real drummers. I can arrange and rearrange them in cubase, use all the neat VST/DX Plugins and then export a 2track wave file to Protools. The only thing is that it's 16bit. But there are several CD's with many choices of styles. The midi is included as well. Kinda gives one the best of both worlds. I'll post soon (seems one of my server drives took a dump, although I had backup I've not replaced it yet).

Last 11-18-2001 04:08 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi guys!Interesting little subthread about midi and drumsounds going here.I just want to throw a thought at you all about this.The problem you are having are to make sampled ,triggered,or midi drums sound closer to real drums.Here is the thought:
Try to not focus on making them sound real,but try to make them sound like what they need to sound like to get the job they are doing done.iow,rethink drums as another instrument to play with,instead of something that is has for the last 50 years stayed basically the same,while most everything around it has moved on.Throw out the rule book and live a little.Drum(percussion) should be fun to do,not a chore to appease the fundamentalists.Recording an assualt on a cardboardbox has been know the put to shame some pretty expensive toms and kickdrums. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]
The secret to doing this is simply to keep the secret,otherwise the old people will burn you at the stake.Some of the best rimshots can be found in the microwave,and there's a whole world of accoustic guitar out there without strings that has not been properly explored.

As I said,just a thought,use it dont use it.

Mark_Knecht 11-18-2001 06:11 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I think it's a good thought, and I think it can apply to any instrument really. As artists, people have ideas in their heads. To the extent that they're willing to try new things, we move forward.

OK, I decided I need to put up or shut up, so here's a link to my lastest. I look forward to your comments. It's called Someone to Play With.

A little background. This started as a little drum pattern that my 9 year old son was playing with in Acid. I took and sort of ran away with the idea, so thanks to Matt. I have two versions. This is the Acid version, so the drums are all sampled. I have another version I'm mixing with live drums. It gives a very different feel. Hopefully I'll be able to post that in a day or two after I get it mixed.

BTW - There is nothing used on this song other than a stock 001 and plug ins.

http://www.controlnetcorp.com/~m akeMusic/someonetoplaywith.mp3


Roy Howell 11-18-2001 06:52 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

As I told you when I first heard the core of this same piece, it makes me feel better having listened to it. It's good to know someone you respect is doing good work, too.


Mark_Knecht 11-18-2001 07:42 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Why thanks Roy. Means a lot to me coming from you.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Originally posted by Roy Howell:

As I told you when I first heard the core of this same piece, it makes me feel better having listened to it. It's good to know someone you respect is doing good work, too.


Voutsonios 11-18-2001 07:51 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Really nice things and ideas - i agree with you Last but i belive when your are working to specific genre like rock or metal music
you can be innovative up to a certain point
(i m talking about drums)
i agree 100% that you should exlpore new paths but somethings are expected to sound in a standard way - as i said before my main problem is the sound of drums cause i m doing heavy music and people expect to here huge, tight, and boosted sounds on the drums

but thats just my opion and the way i like the drums to sound [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

Mark, i ve listed "someonetoplaywith" - I honestly dont have any comments - it sounds perfect to me [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

it was so funny when you said that your nine years old son was playing within acid
when i was nine i didnt even know how to use a calculator [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

anyway keep the songs coming

Mark_Knecht 11-18-2001 08:47 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Hey, I was 9 years old in 1964. If I had said I was playing with Acid it would have been a whole different thing! ;-)

Take care,

GP 11-19-2001 10:43 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I'm In Ontario. Work in Toronto but live an hour north of the city.

Roy Howell 11-20-2001 01:55 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Here's a new ruff.....

One Eyed Gypsy Waltz http://basstardz.dhs.org/roy/

Mark_Knecht 11-20-2001 08:28 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I enjoyed it. I especially like the little guitar part right around 1:50 that sort of sounds like a wah pedal pulled back. It fit well.


oslpchris 11-20-2001 09:48 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I posted this on the "5.1.1" thread but figured this is where it probably belongs. The link to the song is called "HC" and you'll find it at the link below. It's a demo so the vocals are a little rough but you'll get the jist of the song... So I'll just cut and...

>>If you go to www.outerspaceloveproject.com/music.htm on the Space Music page there is a small link to a song called "His Cleverness" the link is titled "HC". It is the first song that we recorded and mixed since I got Protools. Feel free to let me know what you think. (I guess I should put this in the "Let's hear your latest stuff..." thread. Oh well, you guys will get a treat no one else gets.) This is my buddy Sia's song, so he's the one singing... in my band whoever writes the song gets to sing the lead. Pretty fun eh? If you want to hear my voice... check out "Rollercoaster" or "Happy Ever After"... they were recorded on the DPS12 that I have since sold. No mix automation... but good songs just the same.>>>

Let me know what you think!

chris www.outerspaceloveproject.com

Voutsonios 11-20-2001 02:35 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
i liked it, i ve a question though
can you please tell how did you get your drums sounds?


Mark_Knecht 11-20-2001 03:24 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Fun song and sound. Creative. Upbeat. Must listen later on a better system.

Liked it.

Roy Howell 11-20-2001 04:22 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Some are samples from that 'Kalava Drums' that I posted a while back, and others are samples I collected from other sample sites.
They cut through, don't they?

And, with all the posts on compression, one thing I do is to compress the cymbals and rides separately, just enough so they don't lose their bite. If I had only one compressor to work with, I would probably compress just the cymbals before I would the Master fader.

If you'de like, I'll repost that Kalava site, but I'm in a rush right now......

Thanks, Roy

Voutsonios 11-20-2001 05:57 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
thnx for the info - i have the samples - you can check the song that i posted - it is in page 4 of this thread - i used kalava for the first time in that song
i try to train my ears to recognise if its samples or real drums but its damn hard for me
i really liked the snare sound that you got here

thnx again - let me know what you think about the drums sounds in the last sonng that i posted if you check it out

oslpchris 11-21-2001 01:12 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
oh yea, sorry about the drum machine... :-D


8mmOverdose 11-23-2001 09:07 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
There are some nice songs posted here, thanks everyone! I am listening to One Eyed Gypsy Waltz on my 20/20's and the kick and bass notes are shakin' the walls!

Now on to my stuff. I really like this band and will record their next full album as soon as i get my new studio setup. The first two songs I recorded mixed and mastered at my studio. The other songs I only mastered using Wavelab. http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/105/nati ve_tounge.html

Just for fun I will also post a song from my band. Sorry, no Pro Tools on this one. I recorded this on 16 track 1" tape and mastered it in Wavelab. The next cd will be recorded with pro tools. http://mp3.com/8mmOD

Roy Howell 11-23-2001 11:31 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi ballsthatclank,

First, I love your 'name'. If only my license plate was wide enough, I might just rip it from you.

And secondly, what you're describing is basically what this topic is already about. The advantage is that it's so convenient, because we all come to this DUC arena anyway with all of our other questions and topics. And when anyone feels the urge to post their music, this keeps things simple.

But, if there is a better concept, of course we'll go with it. So, let us know and thanks....


Zetajazz 11-23-2001 11:44 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Here's some country for those who like it.. I've not had a chance to play with the 001 much, but here is one project I did with a friend doing vocals... I know it's a cover tune and don't want BMI screaming but here goes.. Let me know what yall' think. All was used here was the 001 and a Roland G-1000.

Zetajazz's First Project


Roy Howell 11-24-2001 12:03 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Man, I love 'Queen Died of a Broken Heart'. It's the end of the night, lights were low, and it got me feelin' so serene.....

Then, I put on 'Post Mortem', and BAM! I almost jumped out of my chair.... It's great.

That's quite a wide spectrum of stuff you're recording there, brother... Good job on all of it. For what it's worth, I'm impressed.


Voideco 11-24-2001 08:01 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hello everybody,

I put 4 of my older songs on a webpage that I recently found out how to make. The songs were made with Cubase and only Goldfish was finished, but they give some impression. I hope my provider is not too slow. Please take a look, I'd like to hear your comments.
Keep composing!

Voideco 11-24-2001 08:02 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hello everybody,

I put 4 of my older songs on a webpage that I recently found out how to make. The songs were made with Cubase and only Goldfish was finished, but they give some impression. I hope my provider is not too slow.

Please take a look, I'd like to hear your comments.
Keep composing!

Voideco 11-24-2001 08:04 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Where can you get without the URL? [img]images/icons/blush.gif[/img]

Roy Howell 11-24-2001 06:48 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I'm sorry, but it takes too long to download. Just don't have "52 minutes and 10 seconds" to wait on a little 3mb song. If you can try some other way. I want to hear the songs, but just don't have the time.


Voideco 11-25-2001 07:38 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi Roy,
I think I must have the webpage hosted on another server, I expected something like this. Maybe later.
Tnx, Voideco

Plastik909 11-26-2001 02:24 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Here's a Techno/Electronica track, any and all comments welcome. Its called Bad Man Taxi.



Voideco 11-27-2001 07:46 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi again, solved the webhost-prob, and have a cable-host at the mo'.
Please take a look at http://coppermill.dhs.org/voideco/index.htm
This one should be fine.

soundsurfr 11-27-2001 03:35 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I've got "Sleepy Moon" crankin' in the headphones as I write this and I'm lovin' it! Clean and tasty. Cool chord changes. Nice tone. Bravo.

Roy Howell 11-27-2001 07:41 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks so much...

Mr_Seven 11-27-2001 07:59 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
How many digi001's does it take to make a song? For this song it was 3.

Fly Your Flag

Written by Rusty Perez a good friend of mine, Fly Your Flag was written in memory of 9/11 (I know, I know..)

We tracked the first Vox, bass, keyboards and guitar at my studio. Then to San Diego where another digi001 was transported and used to record the drums in a church drum room and the choir at the end of the song. Finally over to another friends home studio to do some electric guitar, final vox, mix and master on a Mac Digi001 setup. I only participated as Executive Producer.


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