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jeam25 08-15-2012 05:07 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by Emcha_audio (Post 1956964)
Nice work there :-) Almost got me up and dancing hehehe luckily a restrained myself else my associate would have called the white shirts.


browniespeaks 09-03-2012 10:22 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Remix of Ivy "Lost In The Sun" Happy Labor Day, and happy Monday for those still laboring.

Raoul23 10-16-2012 09:26 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Guys have a listen to this i recorded and mixed the otherday a young band i know who have just started writing originals. This is the first time ive recorded at 88.2khz see what you think any contructive critisim would be much appreciated:-)



2 links for it soundcloud is obviously MP3 where drop box is WAV

jeam25 10-17-2012 05:48 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by Raoul23 (Post 1972836)
Guys have a listen to this i recorded and mixed the otherday a young band i know who have just started writing originals. This is the first time ive recorded at 88.2khz see what you think any contructive critisim would be much appreciated:-)



2 links for it soundcloud is obviously MP3 where drop box is WAV

Hi good job !!

Sometimes there is something its going on with the kick drum tempo ...or is mean to be that way ...?

Raoul23 10-18-2012 12:06 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by jeam25 (Post 1973301)
Hi good job !!

Sometimes there is something its going on with the kick drum tempo ...or is mean to be that way ...?

Thanks Jeam25 yeah it was the first time the drummer played with a click track. I did mention that to the band which I think was his timing but they told me that's how it's ment to go lol :-)

Stig Eliassen 10-18-2012 02:23 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by Raoul23 (Post 1973403)
Thanks Jeam25 yeah it was the first time the drummer played with a click track. I did mention that to the band which I think was his timing but they told me that's how it's ment to go lol :-)

Good job on the mix.

I don't think the drummer meant to vary so wildly between triplets and straight feel, but I could be wrong. :D

Raoul23 10-18-2012 02:39 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by PT Lover (Post 1973430)
Good job on the mix.

I don't think the drummer meant to vary so wildly between triplets and straight feel, but I could be wrong. :D

Thanks for listening PTLover. Drummers Huh lol

ShortWarning 10-18-2012 06:51 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey guys,

I'm fairly new to this and would like opinions on my latest home recording.


I didn't record the vocals and am aware they sound a bit weird in places (like they were recorded in a fish bowl). I think there was a problem with the mic used. Anyhoo.

I'll be the first to admit I don't really know what I'm doing (press a button here, turn a knob there, see what happens) but any tips on improving would be great.

Drums are programmed (Superior for the samples), the guitars are recorded through a POD the bass through a Sansamp all running into a fast track pro.


jeam25 10-18-2012 08:30 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by Raoul23 (Post 1973403)
Thanks Jeam25 yeah it was the first time the drummer played with a click track. I did mention that to the band which I think was his timing but they told me that's how it's ment to go lol :-)

Ok but sounds really GOOD !! :-)

jeam25 10-18-2012 08:30 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Raoul23 10-21-2012 01:31 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by ShortWarning (Post 1973806)
Hey guys,

Quite new to this. Been lurking on this forum for a while, it's been a great source for tips and tricks.

Anyway, here is my latest home recording. Any criticisms are welcome!


Great song I like it. Sounds pretty good really like the Guitar and bass sound what was used for these. Vocals sound nice and crisp. All together it's a great track

Raoul23 10-21-2012 01:36 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by jeam25 (Post 1973739)

I love the guitar sound on this record aswell (as I'm a guitarist that's what I always listen for) How did you record the guitar. The mix sounds very professional aswell as the playing.

Good Job :-)

brad383music 10-21-2012 04:17 AM

Quick cover I did of a beautiful track.

I did it as a tribute to a friend who passed away recently.

RIP Garry,

Find your peace brother

It really is a mad world.

Eleven Rack + ERXP
Pro Tools 9
Windows 7
Gibson Guitars
Washburn Guitars
Michael Kelly Guitars
Yamaha Bass
Superior Drummer 2.2

jeam25 10-21-2012 10:32 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by Raoul23 (Post 1974317)
I love the guitar sound on this record aswell (as I'm a guitarist that's what I always listen for) How did you record the guitar. The mix sounds very professional aswell as the playing.

Good Job :-)

Hi thanks raoul for your comnents ...that track was recorded loooong time ago but i remixed it and remastered because i really like the song ...

The guitarrist was me trying to do something ..jeje ...on that time i was using the 002 mixer and i didnt had any other converter ....the acustic guitar was with a Tlm103 directly to the 002 and the all the electric was a PRS guitar with a POD 2.0 ..the drums with a octane 8 peamp the one im still using.today for that and the vocals with the 103 at that time ..
all the mix and master." in the box " with digirack , waves and mcdsp plugins ...

Glad you like it ...thanks for your time ..! :-)

jeam25 10-21-2012 10:45 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by ShortWarning (Post 1973475)
Hey guys,

I'm fairly new to this and would like opinions on my latest home recording.


I didn't record the vocals and am aware they sound a bit weird in places (like they were recorded in a fish bowl). I think there was a problem with the mic used. Anyhoo.

I'll be the first to admit I don't really know what I'm doing (press a button here, turn a knob there, see what happens) but any tips on improving would be great.

Drums are programmed (Superior for the samples), the guitars are recorded through a POD the bass through a Sansamp all running into a fast track pro.


Ahh Superior Drumner ! I was going to ask about it......

But sounds great ..at least on my headphones good job..

Emcha_audio 10-21-2012 10:57 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by ShortWarning (Post 1973475)
Hey guys,

I'm fairly new to this and would like opinions on my latest home recording.


I didn't record the vocals and am aware they sound a bit weird in places (like they were recorded in a fish bowl). I think there was a problem with the mic used. Anyhoo.

I'll be the first to admit I don't really know what I'm doing (press a button here, turn a knob there, see what happens) but any tips on improving would be great.

Drums are programmed (Superior for the samples), the guitars are recorded through a POD the bass through a Sansamp all running into a fast track pro.


Really really great song, the vocals are a bit buried in the mix and could use a bit of a push forward.

ShortWarning 10-24-2012 07:00 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks a lot for your feedback guys. It's much appreciated!

chrisdee 10-25-2012 05:21 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Hooked On You by chrisdee

Raoul23 10-25-2012 05:28 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by chrisdee (Post 1975457)

Very nice. how did you get that slight robotic sound to the vocals really nice touch love that:-)

chrisdee 10-25-2012 06:44 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by Raoul23 (Post 1975459)
Very nice. how did you get that slight robotic sound to the vocals really nice touch love that:-)



chrisdee 10-28-2012 05:47 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

albee1952 11-13-2012 04:38 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Finally something worth posting:D

Echo studios 11-17-2012 10:22 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Here's a new clip featuring my new Prog Rock project:
Proudly and Entirely tracked, mixed and mastered on an HD rig.



jasonthurley 11-29-2012 01:27 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Ill bite for some reason... This track was recorded in my home studio (do not confuse my professional work with my [bleep][bleep][bleep][bleep]ty home recording setup!) using Pro Tools 9.0 (no reason to upgrade if [bleep][bleep][bleep][bleep] works for you) and all the VI's provided. So basically all in the box mix. I used an RTA mic for recording the guitar through an old school M-Audio fastrack and the Electric was recorded raw and processed w in the box plug ins. Its still a work in progress as I have yet to even re-record the scratch acoustic guitar I wrote the song off of lol.... but soon...

Thought Id share how decent a crappy setup and not a great musician can sound with the power of Pro Tools

Sorry but its a 192K MP3... Called "Visuals"


necjamc 11-30-2012 09:11 PM

http://soundcloud.com/necjamc/equinox-by-chris-masson (new link)
Ok, curiosity of public opinion :) this is a song by Chris Masson that I played on and recorded when we had a band together. If the soundccloud link doesn't work for whatever reason let me know. It was recorded entirely in PT 10. The guitars are 11rack except the lead lines in the verse. An part of the chorus (real amp) the bass is also 11 rack. It's been a year or so since I recorded it and its not complete. The end needs to be trimmed and there is noise in the beginning. It hasn't been mastered except what I did for fun. Enjoy.

Echo studios 12-05-2012 02:28 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
New teaser for next song

All recorded and mixed ITB on PT/HD.



chrisdee 12-05-2012 03:01 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

necjamc 12-07-2012 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by necjamc (Post 1985338)
https://soundcloud.com/necjamc/equinox-chris-masson (new link)
Ok, curiosity of public opinion :) this is a song by Chris Masson that I played on and recorded when we had a band together. If the soundccloud link doesn't work for whatever reason let me know. It was recorded entirely in PT 10. The guitars are 11rack except the lead lines in the verse. An part of the chorus (real amp) the bass is also 11 rack. It's been a year or so since I recorded it and its not complete. The end needs to be trimmed and there is noise in the beginning. It hasn't been mastered except what I did for fun. Enjoy.

https://soundcloud.com/necjamc/equinox-chris-masson (new link)

I've done a little more work on this, I'm pretty sure no one listened to the last one (soundccloud showed 1 person lol) :o . Thanks for listening :)

TOM@METRO 12-07-2012 12:33 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by necjamc (Post 1987062)
http://soundcloud.com/necjamc/equinox-by-chris-masson (new link)

I've done a little more work on this, I'm pretty sure no one listened to the last one (soundccloud showed 1 person lol) :o . Thanks for listening :)

It just asks me about my unstable network. :confused:

necjamc 12-07-2012 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by TOM@METRO (Post 1987167)
It just asks me about my unstable network. :confused:

Really?? I clic it on my phone and it goes right to soundcloud. :( I don't know, but that figures. Ill check it out.
You can search soundcloud for my DUC name. It's the first song.

necjamc 12-07-2012 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by TOM@METRO (Post 1987167)
It just asks me about my unstable network. :confused:

Try this. https://soundcloud.com/necjamc/equinox-chris-masson

The other link was nit HTTPS. ?? Maybe this was the problem ?? :o

brad383music 12-13-2012 10:16 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
As anyone knows, sometimes when you create something you have an idea in your head of exactly what the end result should be. Sometimes however, the end result transcends the boundaries of what your mind could ever believe or fathom. What started out as a single minded approach to this instrumental track soon became a somewhat different beast altogether. I enjoy surprising myself. This is Heirs of Grace.


chrisdee 12-22-2012 04:02 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

remis 01-01-2013 04:11 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
My latest effort using my eleven rack to record the electric guitar and bass.


Emcha_audio 01-01-2013 05:58 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by chrisdee (Post 1991256)

Very nice chris, think it's the one I like the best of yours til now. :-)


Originally Posted by remis (Post 1993707)
My latest effort using my eleven rack to record the electric guitar and bass.


Getting there keep up the good work.

remis 01-02-2013 11:08 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by Emcha_audio (Post 1993715)

Getting there keep up the good work.

Thanks mate :-) The drums and bass still need a lot of work (I'm far from either a drum or bass player!).

chrisdee 01-03-2013 08:03 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by Emcha_audio (Post 1993715)
Very nice chris, think it's the one I like the best of yours til now. :-)

Thank you.

chrisdee 01-04-2013 04:00 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Stig Eliassen 01-04-2013 04:17 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Well done, Chrisdee. Even I wanted to dance for a moment. :D

"One touch" and "Falling" shows that you've really started to find your sound. Cool! :-)

chrisdee 01-04-2013 04:46 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by PT Lover (Post 1994714)
Well done, Chrisdee. Even I wanted to dance for a moment. :D

"One touch" and "Falling" shows that you've really started to find your sound. Cool! :-)

Thank you / tusen takk:)

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