![]() |
Re: Overnight Lows
Hey guys, this one has been a long time coming and we've been working on it since about July 20th, but the allstar jam we call DUCthang has been finished, mixed and mastered! Folks that contributed from the boards include: Lemix, myself, bassbuddy, Danji, Yoko, TheWeed, Josh, and Mala. this was a lot of fun and you are welcome to check it out at the following:
Check out credits, info, download full res .wav: here Listen to the track otherwise: here Enjoy! |
Re: Overnight Lows
Hey Charlie i just checked out the tune and it sounds good!Nice work.
By the way i also added you as a friend on myspace too. I have a new tune from the Frozenbones project called "Divided" Check it out and thank you for listening. http://webzoom.freewebs.com/fracture...er/Divided.mp3 ~Bob |
Re: Overnight Lows
Thanks Bob, was a lot of fun collaborating with master musicians on here. Cool about Myspace man, I will sign on and add ya back. peace
Re: Overnight Lows
hey all, I'd love to know what all you pros think of my production.
http://www.loudmedicine.net/be/bones.mp3 |
Re: Overnight Lows
Protein...The tune sounds really good to me. Excellent job!
~Bob |
Ha Ha!
Yo alls.
Got my troupes songs online! Challenged is our newest hit, comin atcha from da west coast. Kold Blud |
Re: Ha Ha!
Da west coast of Ingland? We is avin terrible trubble wid da spelling ere. I blame de edumacation sistum. Owever, it iz cool to spel badly now innit?
Yall comin on down here ta hate? Is that it? Perhaps your time would be better used makin music than making fun, ya hear?
I aint makin fun of you. Anyone else wit me? |
Latest Stuff...
protein, Great song...excellent vocals and production. My only suggestion is that the (very cool) acoustic guitar in the intro has a slight bit of 'cloud' around it...(at least on my Genelecs). Some slight low end eq adjustment might help make it vanish. But as I say, great song...great job, IMO. -Roy |
Re: Latest Stuff...
I agree. Acoustic rhythm sounds a little boxy. Nothing a little eq won't fix.
Vocals are great. What's your signal chain? And what did you use for the drums? |
Re: Overnight Lows
I like the song alot. I agree that the guitars are a little mid sounding for my tastes. Also, it sits to the LEFT a little too much. I hear the little solo parts on the right, but I would double that LEFT guitar track and put the doubled part on the RIght. Doubled meaning play it twice to throw it off ever so slightly to the listener, but try to make it exact like the right as simplicity is NICE! Then move the solo somewhat to the middle more and boost it up some. Otherwise good start, and get those fades at the end! :-) Good job. - Doc |
Nice work!! I really enjyed this tune. Nice original, yet slightly familiar, sound. Great harmonies, Great drum sounds. Again, well done. |
Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
well done, chris! nice bass sound...
greets.... |
Re: Overnight Lows
Hey Protein,
Nice job. I hear what the others are saying about the opening acoustic guitar part, but I don't think I would have said anything about it. I kind of thought it was supposed to have a bit of an "olde fashioned" sound for the first part of the song. If that wasn't what you were going for, then a little EQ is probably in order. Something weird though - I downloaded the mp3 and played it on iTunes which has the song listed with a length of 18:13. The song seems to be about 3:10 and it ends and switches to the next song then, but the counter indicates 18:13. Strange. |
Re: Overnight Lows
Thanks for the comments guys. Much appreciated. I've never been able to nail guitars. So some of the mid needs to be scooped and some of the bottom rolled off? I can always hear where guitars are not working and then end up with ridiculous wiggley eq curves to try and fix them. Particularly with acoustic guitars. I've yet to find that golden foolproof way of recording them. Nice guitars, amps and players always help I guess.
The vocal signal chain was a Marshall MXL 2001 mic straight into the 002r. Then a standard digi comp set to stun, an eqIII with some of the bottom rolled off and a little 6-8k and some free VST plug in called "Saturator" which seems to make the vocal sit alot better. I used it on the drums too. I thoroughly recommend it if you have the wrapper. |
Re: Overnight Lows
btw, to the rapper guy, I was joking. I wasn't being cold blooded.
I had a listen to your tracks. I couldn't work out if its a pastiche or not. Plenty of "bitches" and "mother****ers" and I was genuinely laughing out loud. "I got an [bleep] the size of a black hole bitch, it sucks in light [bleep]" :lol: Classic. Your lyrics sound like you are stepping into someone's face wanting a fight but your delivery is like a kid in his bedroom without a pop-shield. Much like this guy- http://gorillamask.net/crispy.shtml Sorry if you are for real. If you are I'll try to give you some tips on production. |
Re: Overnight Lows
protein: nice work on the track man! just downloaded it and added to my regular playlist. btw... I am going to go add ya to my myspace page in a min. here. Fellow DUC'ers gotta stick together. peace
Re: Overnight Lows
btw guys, finally got around to uploading an mp3 version to replace the high res .wav for the DUCthang track. If anyone is interested in checking it out its posted at:
http://www.charlienaebeck.com/ducthang.html along with info on all the DUC folks that contributed to the track. you can download the track and sing along to "Hangin' on the DUC all day long" as many times as you wish.. we had to make it more downloadable for folks with slower connections. peace |
Re: Overnight Lows
Good lord. That DUC track is a monster. lol.
The harmonica player, bassist and newbie are the stars. |
Re: Overnight Lows
I dig bones. I don't think there's much you can do to the acoustic right now that wouldn't end up with you just running around in circles...6 of one half dozen of the other kind of thing there. Try messing with it if you want, but be sure not to lose this mix so you can revert to it if you find yourself not getting anywhere. What you have right now works with the mix sufficiently well I feel...so don't overthink it if you revisit it. From a producer standpoint I would have liked to hear it start to flesh out a bit quicker...but it's fine as is really. The only comment on the mix that I have might be to find a decent room reverb for the delicate guitar work throughout the tune...a verb that remains clear even when very wet would add a good deal to the apparent width and depth of the overall mix. You've got the available room in this mix to really drench on a good verb to those tracks without muddying or distracting from anything if you choose the verb wisely. The simplicity of the track really lends itself well to the production of this tune...in other words, I totally disagree with the earlier comment here of adding a doubled track. I think it would just distract from the current direction of this production and add little more than the potential for mud in this one. How far along are you guys with this project? Shoot me an email in response to that Q. Spirithunter, This track seems to call out for some distortion on a few of the tracks. Experiment to find what works...maybe a wurlitzer through a tube-screamer 808 under the verses...perhaps some good ol' noisy as hell big-muff-pi distortion on the bass to help keep things driving. Throw in some spice man... Joz, Well done as usual. I think you could experiment with bass tone to really make this tune jump out. Make the bass "bigger than life" in the choruses. It's the right idea after the bridge...but I think the bass needs it in all the choruses and could come up a bit to function as the driving force behind those sections. Doc, This is one of your better mixes lately imo. Well done. A few suggestions you should take with a grain of salt. Lead vox could use less verb. He's also pretty darn nasal sounding...you should be able to fix that easily with simple EQ. Background vocal echoes really ought to be doubled (or quadrupled). I think the delicate guitar work throughout the tune could stand more verb and pan the verb almost completely to the left side b/c the delicate stuff is pulling the listener's head to the right throughout the entire tune...it needs a sonic counterpart on the left side that isn't distracting or competing in the mix: left panned verb is the solution, but leave the solo alone verb-wise. I'd pan the solo more toward center. Cheers, Chris |
Re: Overnight Lows
Re: Overnight Lows
I liked it. Guitars do sound a little boxy at the start but I wouldnt touch this mix ever again, just change your techinque for future reference. Love the sound of the drums too! Chris Tempest |
Re: Latest Stuff...
Re: Latest Stuff...
Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
So, I know these aren't the greatest mixes or anything like that. But I think they are good songs. Let me know what you think. http://www.myspace.com/christophercollinsmusic
Re: Latest Stuff...
Test Tube: not bad on the track, the only thing that catches my ears as slightly off is the harmony vocal on the :30 second mark, and it would sound cool mastered a little hotter if you guys haven't already mastered it, but otherwise its a rockin' track man! keep up the cool work! peace
Re: Latest Stuff...
mezza9: not bad, and kind of a cool trippy vibe to the track. enjoy the new PT 7! peace
Re: Overnight Lows
Joz |
Protein, the weird bass thing in the guitar, sounds like one specific EQ band. just find it and cut it, and you'll also be able to hear the vocals better.
JOz |
Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Here's my new tunes.
Updated form page 1 of this thread i think, long time ago now ;-) Andrew http://homepage.mac.com/blazeinthebo...ew/Menu13.html |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi yall! Spent the last few weeks on remastering projects and writing new material. Here's a sample of my contribution to the world (no ego intended ). The new stuff is first cut so hope you don't cringe too much on the sucky vocal tracks... enjoy!
My Sample Music Portfolio |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Shane |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Cool... I didn't get the email
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Email me then to make sure I have the address correct and I will resend it.
Shane |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi all! I have here my lastest from Frozenbones called "Two Faced"
I recorded this with "79"Dean V Guitar,Vox Amp,Blue(Baby) mic into LA-610. Bass was direct to La-610 and Keyboards direct into Digi002R. The vocals were recorded with Shure58 and Rode NT-1 going into M-box.Vocals are done at a different location. Thanks for the listen and input Chris on "Divided" I have been messing with it but have not come yet.Still working at it. Thanks for the listen all! ~Enjoy http://webzoom.freewebs.com/fracture...wo%20Faced.mp3 |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks man. I;ve been away from the DUC since almost 5 years but only 2 of those years was I away from PT life
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
^^"Werewolf Girl" was my first attempt at using PT, check it out it's at the top of the list on the link above |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here *DELETED*
Post deleted by underbiteman
Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!! *DELETED*
Post deleted by underbiteman
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