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Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Roy and Tim ... listening to "Coming Home" and whoa ... very very nice indeed! Tim, you programmed those drums? Very natural feel to the groove: not overly mechanical as my drum programming often sounds. Very nice lead vocal sound. Roy, your tone and approach are taylor made (no pun intended) for that song! Excellent job! <applause>
This one is going on the iPod for sure ... |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I appreciate it, Stan...
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Roy: excellent tune man!
seems like we all be chatting lately in the Latest stuff thread (me included ). Who's got some new tunes? I will have some shortly I am hoping in the next couple of days. |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Ok, I've got a new tune I did. I actually wrote this song about 7 years ago, but just rerecorded it this weekend. It's a slow sappy tune. My wife thinks I wrote it about an X-girlfriend but it's really about leaving college and getting a job! Women! They read into everything. It may be sappy, but I had to throw a "wanker" guitar solo in the middle of it just to keep things me.
Comments on the mix are much apreciated! Goodbye to Yesterday |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hmmmm.... I always thought you were gay, at least in high school. I mean "wrestling" and all...
Cool tune amigo! As always....... wanker! I'll call ya later to chat. - Doc |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
As always looking forward to your feedback. |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
heheheh..... too funny. Always glad to have a buddy who has known me since 7th grade on here..
- Doc |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
and then of course i bounce each drum to an audio track to get a good sound. roy forgot to ask also, on that solo, what kind of axe? amp? I'm goin with fender obviously, just curious on specifics. tim |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Tim...I used a Strat on the verse licks and my custom guitar on the solo. thanks, Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
jstunner/Jason...nice job on 'Goodbye to Yesterday'...the 12-string sounds great...nice vocals too.
-Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
This song was recently sung for me by AnnaB. of Sweden...I think she did a great job.
thanks for listening... -Roy Lovers |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey all,
Forgive me for not checking out this section very often. I'm not on the internet as much these days what with uni work and all. I'm busy working on a little tune and would love to replace the drums with some live drums if anybody would be interested? I cant afford to pay money but you would get full credit for the song A collab would be great. I think it needs real drums because the sampled stuff just doesnt have that live kick. I'm not quite finished writing it yet, but just posted this to see if anybody would be interested. I posted in here rather than starting a seperate thread so hopefully people will find it. I'll try to post a short sample of the song later on tonight. Thanks Chris Tempest |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
jstunner: cool tune man, reminds me of some Puddle of Mudd stuff/AIC in a way.
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Great tune! Welldone. What is that playing at the start? Those are the kinds of sounds I love. Some synth and guitar? Great piano in there too. A really good listen Thanks Chris Tempest |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi Chris... Those are guitar-based samples I created a few years ago...they do sound rather like synths, but it's all guitar....the only keyboard in the song is the piano. thanks, Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Roy,
Those are really great. I heard sorta guitarish sounds with lots of delay but I was mistaken on the synth part Thanks Chris Tempest |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Okay. I have been listening and reading for a while, but now I would like to participate. The links below are three songs I am currently working on for a client. He is happy so far, but I really want these to improve. Just a rough mix with a little delay here and there and a little reverb and compression/EQ where necessary. None of this is set in stone and I would really appreciate constructive input from any and all. I love this thread and I am ready to chime in and participate. Thanks. cheers, dave http://www.repproduction.com/Inspire_Me-05Jun08.mp3 http://www.repproduction.com/Without_You-05Jun08.mp3 http://www.repproduction.com/With_a_Prayer.mp3 |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
A little bump to what I proposed earlier.
Here also is the track which I didnt have time to put up last night. http://www.geocities.com/boarderguyx/ Ignore the title, Windows Media always puts some stupid name inplace of the song title. Its also encoded at 64kb in WMA so sorry bout the crappy file. Anyhoo, Thats the tune, If ya like, Gimme a shout and we'll work something out. Excuse me for the bad guitar playing and terrible singing, Just whooped them through in 1 take so I could put a sample up here. Thanks Chris Tempest |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Here is a new one from the hardcore band I have been working with. Fun guys and this album should be pretty cool. Screamer band so be ready. Guitars are pretty Thick too as there are like 8 guitar tracks. Basically mic'd it up with a Boogie Dual Rec, Marshall JCM 800, Fender Prosonic and some other stuff. Ran 2 mics (421 and 57) to the Bogner cab and all went into the X73 to the Distressors (I think) and into te Apogee. We tweeked the drums with strip silence, soundreplaced some things from samples of others kits recently that I have had in, and sent the Ov's and the room back out through the distressors and crushed the hell out of them. Vocals were funny. Screamer so the 103 and RODE are OUT! Used a E-609 into the Distressor and just let him run around the room with it. It worked rather well. Distorted and all. That was what we wanted. Here is the link... More to come: I.T.L. - Lovekiller Enjoy, - Doc |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I LOVE it. I am a big fan of the heavier stuff. Quick question on songs such as this one, do you program the click or do without it? |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
This band actually the drummer came in by himself and played to a click without the band. We did this in multiple steps with him. He played one section, we then changed the tempo and he played the next. Once all the parts were done and we were happy we then put it all together. Worked out great, but man it was work to get it all sync'd up. We then like I said used a kick that we sampled the other night as well as a snare, dup'd the original tracks, strip silenced the new and then replaced one and blended the two together. Added some compression and verb and wha la. The guitars only have RComp's on them, no other Eq's were applied. I really liked the over all sounds. Also, ran the Room mic (RODE NTK) and the overheads back out and into the Distressors to add some sizzle back to it and tame some transients. Thanks, - Doc |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Gotcha. You know, I have yet to have to apply any EQ to my Mesa tracks. Those things translate great.
Great job on this track! |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks! 4 more to go... and then finishing up another project this weekend. Getting ready to start a hopeful higher profile client down the road here. At least in my area as far as profile. Pretty cool stuff. Acoustic rock, but really good. Jason Mraz and O.A.R. like.
- Doc |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Speaking of Jason Mraz, he was just up here in MI last night with Alanis Morissette. We were out at the show last night. The engineer did a hell of a job on the sound for the night for everything.
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Great job on the I.T.L. song...interesting about recording the drums first, and the time changes in sections. Sounds really good overall. -Roy Tempest18/Chris, I can't get your sample file to play...it says I must 'buy a license' or something to that effect. I'de like to hear it. -Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Sorry about that Roy. I'm not sure whats up with media player. iTunes isnt working at the moment so I'm having to use that. I'll sort it out now. The song is by no means finished. Its just the basic tracks recorded with a bit of compression very badly. I just blasted the raw mix through an L2 to get some volume for now. It should be fixed now www.geocities.com/boarderguyx Thanks Chris Tempest |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Roy: really enjoyed "Lovers". It seems to me that your productions are getting nicer and nicer. The guitars have such an interesting texture that supports the entire song. Tasteful use of stereo panning effects on the guitars. I really like the chord changes in the bridge/chorus and the flute accents throughout the verses had me smiling too. On top of all of this, she has a wonderful voice.
Overall, a pleasure Roy! Congratulations on another fine song: well written, played, and produced. |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Great tune! Here voice sounds much better than the original post. Very clear and your guitar playing still freaks me out. So clean, so clear. Always good to hear . - Doc |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Re: Lovers The guitar is mesmerizing. I love it. How did you create that sound for the intro? It really does sound like a combination of evolving synth pad and guitar. The drums are so clean and clear yet full. How did you record/process? Anna's voice mixes beautifully with the guitar sounds you have created and the pan flute draws the two together even more. Well done. I have saved the tune for future listening. Thanks for sharing. ANy chance of hearing an uncompressed version of Lovers?? dave |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Great recording. I love the thick crunch in the guitars and the subtle ping in the snare. The lead guitar sound reminds me a little of one of my favorite bands--Bad Religion--love it. So I take it from other posts of yours that this style of music is not the norm for you. I guess it is a bit of a challenge to work on something that involves a style of music that is not close to your heart. That is my experience anyways. Well done. The mix is heavy with lots of crunch but the clarity is also there throughout. I guess the benefit of having a lead singer like this is that you can travel to and showcase your music in any country and the natives will assume that he is singing in their native tongue...hee hee. BTW did you put some form of chastity belt thingy between the singer and your microphone or pull out the radioshack model ? dave |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I just knocked that whole thing together in about 10 mins. No mixing or anything done, my singing is also very bad at the moment but I just shouted it out to give an idea. The guitar playing was crappy, just rushed to put my idea down, the lyrics aint really final. I'm hopefully looking for somebody to record the drums live for me. In the track I just keyed some drums in and looped the beat for an idea of what I want the drums to sound like. Thanks again Chris Tempest If anybody is interested in a little collab gimme a shout. Like I posted previous, I cant afford to offer money but you will get full credit for the song |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Doc...Stan...thanks very much you guys...much appreciated.
Brain Digger- Quote:
Brain Digger/Dave, Thanks very much........the intro is made up of guitar samples I created using tunings/harmonics for these particular chord changes at the song's bpm(152), along with plugins in a controlled way......I create these type samples using both guitars and mandolins, and they're very effective for certain moods. thanks again you guys... -Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Okay. I have been listening and reading for a while, but now I would like to participate. The links below are three songs I am currently working on for a client. He is happy so far, but I really want these to improve. Just a rough mix with a little delay here and there and a little reverb and compression/EQ where necessary. None of this is set in stone and I would really appreciate constructive input from any and all. I love this thread and I am ready to chime in and participate. Thanks. Updated version of the songs. Have a listen. Thanks http://www.repproduction.com/With_A_Prayer05Jun09.mp3 http://www.repproduction.com/Without_You05Jun09.mp3 http://www.repproduction.com/Inspire_me05Jun09.mp3 They need a little more cohesiveness, I know, but how??? I am working on it. cheers, dave |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Re: Lovers
Beautiful song Roy. Enjoyed it very much. Nice job! -Bob |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Actually I really prefer to do the ROCK thing, but it sees that alot of my clients hav been acoustic. However sme rock guys I have never posted out here so a lot that you hear are acoustic rock for the most part. get a lot of ROCK and PUNK. I am currently working with a punk band. Finished up another one, and have 2 acoustic rock bands going. Busy times. Used the E609 on that guy. E609 to a distressor and called it a day. Worked rather well I thought. Guitar were SICK I thought. That is what happens with 3 different amps blended together. with 2 mics per take. - Doc |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks very much Bob... Brain Digger, All 3 songs sound good.....you're doing a good job...as far as suggestions, I do hear some muddiness that could be improved........IntelDoc could probably advise you well on getting the most out of your acoustic guitars and vocals... maybe if you post the mikes, verbs, EQ's, and compressors you're using, you might get some useful suggestions. Nice job overall though...thanks for posting. -Roy |
Chinese story
Long time no see, hello again.
First time real drums (recorded by drummer with emagic a 6/2 m, collaboration over internet). Notice bass player, I love his style to play and very accuracy too. Song is about China: When you buy chinese product, you support oppressive regime Ch: We must not forget/ the blood shed in Tianenmen Square/ Chinese government/ showed it’s regard for life there Kiinalainen juttu (Chinese story) Feel free to say what you think. I know my drummer needs badly micing advice. Any good link? |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I originally posted a version of this song a couple of years back when I first started using Pro Tools. I started recording it in Cakewalk, then exported those tracks to PT (good ol' 5.3.1). Since then a lot has changed. In fact, I re-recorded most of the tracks and added some new things too. All in all, I think it's a much better production now (the guitar solo at the end really rounded things off too). Anyway, check it out and let me know what you guys think:
http://www.myspace.com/metoniccycle BTW - the sound quality will be much better if you download the MP3 file instead of listening to the stream file. Thanks, rockrev |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thumbs up for "Lovers" Very well done and the vocalist has a wonderful voice. Perfect for that song too. I thought the drums sounded just a tad thin, myself. Someone else commented on how good they sounded. *shrug* Whatever floats your boat I suppose. All in all tho, great production on "Lovers" |
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