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Roy Howell 05-29-2005 12:00 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Hi all.

We you be so gentle and tell me what you think of these two songs on
regarding the mix, and regarding the music itself?

Done at home alone with my computer.


Sorry to listen so late....very busy lately.....these are both excellent songs and well done, IMO. There is some slight 'muddiness' on the acoustic guits on 'Remember', but the song itself and vocal is great. I'm especially impressed with 'In my Lovers Eyes'...great song and vocal performance...very nice guitar work too.
Exceptional songs......good job.


Roy Howell 05-30-2005 10:12 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

anyway here is my attempt at a bit more rockin song, i usually have a bit more 'lighter' music if you will..

Here it is.. titled 'All the More'..

thanks for the listen..


Hey Tim...how've you been?
The song sounds good...some good guitar sounds(I really like the Leslie-type solo sound)...and this is you on drums, right?(they sound great)...Good job.


badperson 05-30-2005 02:40 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
hey all, lots of good stuff.

I liked "coffee buzz" a lot, not as hi-fi a recording as intelDoc et al, but nice sounding and it served the song really well. It's the tune and arrangement that's really good. Reminds me a bit of the lounge lizards. Nice work.

pk, cool song, I like it a lot, also Doc and Joz, great stuff as always.

Joz, you gave a pretty detailed description of that vocal thing you do in this thread awhile back. I couldn't find it in a search. Do you remember about when it was? I'd like to save that.

Great sounds, nice work everybody.

wonderfall 05-31-2005 06:39 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi Roy,


Sorry to listen so late....very busy lately.....

Hey, no hurry... (but be on time next time!)


these are both excellent songs and well done, IMO. There is some slight 'muddiness' on the acoustic guits on 'Remember', but the song itself and vocal is great.

I agree with this muddiness thing, but that's the best I got trying to keep the guitar sweet enough (if I cut some bass-mid, I find it too harsh...).


I'm especially impressed with 'In my Lovers Eyes'...great song and vocal performance...very nice guitar work too.
Exceptional songs......good job.

Thanks. For the guitar, I had a mix between Clapton and Knopfler in mind... Though I'm not very happy with the guitar solo, but well that's all I gave...

Thank you very much for the good words!

superpenguin79 05-31-2005 01:13 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

hey all, lots of good stuff.
I liked "coffee buzz" a lot, not as hi-fi a recording as intelDoc et al, but nice sounding and it served the song really well. It's the tune and arrangement that's really good. Reminds me a bit of the lounge lizards. Nice work. pk, cool song, I like it a lot, also Doc and Joz, great stuff as always. Joz, you gave a pretty detailed description of that vocal thing you do in this thread awhile back. I couldn't find it in a search. Do you remember about when it was? I'd like to save that. Great sounds, nice work everybody.

Thanks BP, yeah we did "Coffee Buzz" on a low end weekend jamming type of budget...

As for Joz's vocal tips:

"I record normaly into a track, then copy that track onto another. The
first track I do the usual stuff, EQ, compression (aslo cut alittle at
10k, because thats what im gonna be adding in the other track). The
secornd track or the sparkle track like I call it, has extreme EQ en
compression. Cut all the low stuff below lets say 700hz, then ad about
12DBs at 11k, then compress the hell out of it, about 13DBs of
compression, ratio at :100, attack and release at the fastest setting. Now
I have the sparkle track. Mix it very low with the other track and you can
hear everything the vocalist is saying without having to turn it so loud.
You can hear this on nearly every major lable artist.
You have to use the same comp and EQ to avoid phashing effects. And if you
add other plug-ins to the first track, add them to the second as well but
bypass them on the second track."

Those would be his exact words. I saved that one. hehe good stuff

newbs 06-01-2005 12:09 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Check it out..... I suck at mixing! These were the first two songs I recorded after getting my Mbox. Feel free to let me know what you think.


Sharritan 06-01-2005 09:04 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Here is one more I am working on now. Ignore the crappy intro and the fade at the end. There is a 30 second intro that will be part of it later.

As always, suggestions welcome.

Where's My Life

phanatik 06-01-2005 03:52 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
new CD finally done and out 4 sale. done entirely n Pro Tools LE, "mastered" and I used that word very, very lightly (hehehehe) in Peak and Jam, but its good enuff 4 our 1st CD.

check us out! $7


GORILLA 06-01-2005 04:11 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Nice work everyone! Just skipped thru about ten pages catching up on tunes.

superpenguin79 06-01-2005 05:57 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Check it out..... I suck at mixing! These were the first two songs I recorded after getting my Mbox. Feel free to let me know what you think.

man, if you have never mixed before on anything you did an awesome job man. I dig the acoustic vibe on the tracks. Shouldn't be going to your site though at work caus of that picture at the bottom of the page... keep up the good work though!

superpenguin79 06-01-2005 06:02 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Here is one more I am working on now. Ignore the crappy intro and the fade at the end. There is a 30 second intro that will be part of it later.
As always, suggestions welcome.
Where's My Life

Sounds cool Sharritan, one suggestion would be to double the guitars maybe one more time man. Just to bring the crunch out a tad. Other than that It reminds me of a cool band that used to be around back in the 90's called Second Coming. They had that sorta vibe to them. good stuff, keep up the good work!

superpenguin79 06-01-2005 06:04 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
p.s. you guys didn't hear it from me, but there is a cool board with a forum called Post Your Music in my sig that does feedback like this also. I am attempting to get the community going over there. Just moved it from a different type of community. You all are welcome to post over there too if you like. the DUC rocks also!

Sharritan 06-02-2005 07:03 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Here is one more I am working on now. Ignore the crappy intro and the fade at the end. There is a 30 second intro that will be part of it later.
As always, suggestions welcome.
Where's My Life

Sounds cool Sharritan, one suggestion would be to double the guitars maybe one more time man. Just to bring the crunch out a tad. Other than that It reminds me of a cool band that used to be around back in the 90's called Second Coming. They had that sorta vibe to them. good stuff, keep up the good work!

I'm afraid if those guitars get any thicker I wont be able to fit it in my CD player . Thanks for the listen though.

IntelDoc 06-02-2005 09:42 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Good performance for the band. Listening on the crappy speakers at work, the drums seem a tad bright, (again maybe speakers) and maybe close which makes them feel distant, then the china (wuhan?) comes in and is right in your face. Kinda strange. The guitars are good, did you cut them at all? Ride cymbal is nice, but I think that the drums could be wider? Maybe compress the overheads a bit more?

Love the feedback intro. Very Seattle grunge. Good overall separation with the guitars. I take it the tracks were doubled? 1 mic on the 4x12? SM-57? Toms sound great too. Snare is nice...

Good job, I think that they could use some more production on their music part. Develope the guitar parts more, and then experiment with some producing effects. Cut up guitars that transition into the next verse chorus kinda thing, instead of the standard chord ring out thing. Maybe at 3:05 take that chord and play it up an octave or a 5th or so. Then take it low in the mix and add a click gate effect to it and set it WAY BACK in the mix. If the song is to a click it will sync well. Just for that chord part and then off. Sync it to the beat and maybe double the click speed. Stuff like that. Make pauses to the tempo to start up the next part. so on and so on. Lots of ideas production wise that I think would really bring the song together. Otherwise to me it just kinda keeps going. Not bad on your part at all as you really did a great job capturing the sounds. Just some ideas....

Is this you playing or a band you tracked?

- Doc

Sharritan 06-02-2005 10:01 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Chris,
Yeah that is me playing (guitar). The song is an older one that we do. Nothing special as you can hear. I agree that the China is freaking awful. Remember hearing it in the other song I sent you? Man that things really sucks. Our drummer got a new one yesterday and it sounds much better.

For the guitars, I used 2 mics on a Marshall 2X12 (57 and an MXL2001) using my Mesa head. Panned each mic wide. Then re-tracked at about half gain (actually more like 11:00ish, as I never really turn my gain up on that Mesa past say 2:00) No need as it sounds huge that way. I hate when players saturate their sound with gain and get nothing but that annoying hiss...... Anyway, then there is a third track using my Marshall head and then an acoutsinc track throughout as well. So there is a total of 7 guitar tracks. None of the tracks were cut at all. All first takes too.

Drums were a little difficult on this one for some reason. I will take the suggestions you mentioned and apply. I will post the next version soon.

Again, thanks for listening

IntelDoc 06-02-2005 10:05 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I will try to call you later. Been meaning to anyways.

Good job though, and meant no disrespect. Just throwing ideas.

- Doc

Sharritan 06-02-2005 10:08 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Cool man. Please keep the comments coming as I really do get a lot out of it. Looking forward to hearing from you.

superpenguin79 06-02-2005 10:35 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I'm afraid if those guitars get any thicker I wont be able to fit it in my CD player . Thanks for the listen though.

ahh, I gotcha man. you're welcome.

Roy Howell 06-02-2005 01:04 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Here is one more I am working on now. Ignore the crappy intro and the fade at the end. There is a 30 second intro that will be part of it later.

As always, suggestions welcome.

Where's My Life

Hi Sharritan,
Good song...the guitar-stop 'holes' help it breath, which is always good...good spread and sound on the guitars, and the vocal is good and raw(perfect for this song).....my only suggestion for improvement would be to tighten up the arrangement. After say 3 minutes, the same 'wall of sound' can get monotonous. I would either simply shorten it overall, or I would put a breakdown in it toward the end, where guitars get quieter with the drums, so they can kick back in hard for a killer ending.

Please don't take my suggestions wrong...I'm only trying to make a very good song possibly better, and I may be wrong.


Sharritan 06-02-2005 01:20 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Good suggestion. I will play with this tonight and see what I can do. I totally agree that it gets old after a while. Let me see what I can do. I have an acoustic track hidden in there so I may be able to pull that out for a nice breakdown towards the later part of the song.

Thanks for listening and the feedback. I assure anyone reading this that I will never get upset about comments made. I would not post if I didnt expect suggestions and/or criticism.

IntelDoc 06-02-2005 01:28 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
That is what I wanted to say Scott, but could not figure out how...

Riff upon Riff....

- Doc

bigbubbaj 06-02-2005 04:22 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Sounds nice. I am a huge grunge guy.... music of my day (im 30) so this was right up my alley.

Pervious suggestions were right on.

You have a great voice.


Sharritan 06-02-2005 06:18 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks man, It is actually not me singing. That is our singer Rick. And yes, he has a terrific voice. I am just playing guitars on this one.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback.

Keith Owens 06-02-2005 06:42 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
sharritan, I see you are from Richmond. I ordered my PRS from there at Richmond Music center. Kip has the best prices on the East Coast. My wife thinks I am crazy for ordering stuff from there, driving the 4 hours one way and 4 back for music gear. I've done it three times in the last year and a half. Here is a pic of the PRS- scroll down

and your song and vocalist rocks, use Roy's and Chris' suggestions and it will roll also.

superpenguin79 06-02-2005 06:49 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Keith, is that a: Apogee AD-16X that I see on the rack there? if so, not to get off topic here guys, but what do you think of it? I am considering adding one to the new rig I'm working on. nice setup though man!

Sharritan 06-02-2005 07:10 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks Keith. Yeah, I have known Kip for many years. So far, I have bought 3 PRSs from him. You're right, his prices are great. Plus he carries nothing but pro quality gear. No working man series. Those kind of stores are hard to find anymore with all the SamAsh and Guitar Centers around. I try and support him as much as possible.

Thanks for the kind words on the song too. These guys are great to play with.

Oh Yeah, You're guitar is beutiful I love the Flame Top. Nice Choice!!!!

Keith Owens 06-02-2005 07:59 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Hey Keith, is that a: Apogee AD-16X that I see on the rack there? if so, not to get off topic here guys, but what do you think of it? I am considering adding one to the new rig I'm working on. nice setup though man!

no, sorry it is not- and most of that setup is sold now- i sold out about 4 months ago.
I was going to upgrade the studio with hardwood floors and siding, add another room, cut a new door, add an HD rig with expensive extra hardware- and when I saw the total getting close to 40,000-45,000, I decided to hold off another year or so and bought another 002r instead. I have some Vintech X73 stuff and UA pres coming but no show for another month or so. And I monitor with Event Precision 8's now, I just have to get used to them ...

sorry about the old, cheezy, and outdated studio pics, though I do have the marshall and the guitars and the PC is now an Athlon64 3700+ overclocked (it's a beast!)

I was going to hold out for the Digi003 and 16 channel Digi controller but I'd be 90 years old by then

stevejones 06-03-2005 05:14 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Hi Russ

I love your All I need - How do you get the acoustic guitar sound it's great - Any tips appreciated

superpenguin79 06-03-2005 11:22 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I hear ya Keith, very cool about the upgrade man. I am working on a rig that might happen in the next year - 2 depending on situations. You should drop by the other Tea room in my sig and hang with us man. Post pics of the studio when it is done also when you get a chance..

metaltim 06-04-2005 02:01 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


anyway here is my attempt at a bit more rockin song, i usually have a bit more 'lighter' music if you will..

Here it is.. titled 'All the More'..

thanks for the listen..


Hey Tim...how've you been?
The song sounds good...some good guitar sounds(I really like the Leslie-type solo sound)...and this is you on drums, right?(they sound great)...Good job.


thanks for the kind words.

me on drums of course.. (keyboard drums that is) that sound is just the waves metaflanger.. some cool sounds on that plug in.

anyway been doin good, i still get goose bumps when i listen to your solo on my 'comin home'..
i meant to ask you some details on that solo. slide? wah? but then you have like pull-offs and multiple strings hit at the same time, ive never used a slide so i just cant imagine what you did for some of those licks..

Keith Owens 06-04-2005 02:15 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Roy, I got to ask you something and without starting a new thread- I knew I could find ya here....

Are you still recording to a Digi001?

What outboard pres if any?

Any outboard A/D converters?

thanks, I'm going somewhere with this, bear with me...

Roy Howell 06-04-2005 08:40 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

...anyway been doin good, i still get goose bumps when i listen to your solo on my 'comin home'..
i meant to ask you some details on that solo. slide? wah? but then you have like pull-offs and multiple strings hit at the same time, ive never used a slide so i just cant imagine what you did for some of those licks..

Thanks Tim.....my guitar style is a combination of non-slide fingering and slide together...I just use the slide where it really counts...I enjoyed playing on your song Coming Home...here it is again.


By the way, I have something I'de love for you to play drums on coming up, if you're up for it. I'll email you about it shortly. Again, your drumming sounds great on your newest song.

Thanks again.... ~Roy

Roy Howell 06-04-2005 08:43 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Roy Howell 06-04-2005 10:21 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Roy, I got to ask you something and without starting a new thread- I knew I could find ya here....

Are you still recording to a Digi001?

What outboard pres if any?

Any outboard A/D converters?

thanks, I'm going somewhere with this, bear with me...

Hi Keith...I've been using the 001 for over 4 years now, but I'm about to upgrade to the 002r along with some new pres and A/D converters (and more). Here's a core list of the things I'll probably be getting, along with a new pc, desk.....bunch of stuff.


Why do you ask?....... thanks, Roy

Stiff 06-05-2005 04:54 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Roy and Tim,

Listening to Comin Home now, very cool song guys! Your guitar playing is great as always Roy. Is that you singing Tim?

Keith Owens 06-05-2005 07:17 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Hi Keith...I've been using the 001 for over 4 years now, but I'm about to upgrade to the 002r along with some new pres and A/D converters (and more). Here's a core list of the things I'll probably be getting, along with a new pc, desk.....bunch of stuff.


Why do you ask?....... thanks, Roy

Hi Roy, thanks for responding. I asked about your setup because I believe we all can learn from you. Here we have someone using a Digi001, no outboard equipment, and still getting an outstanding sound.
When I play your tunes here, I am always impressed with the hook and the arrangement, but I am also blown away with how great the mix is on your songs too.

Apparently, you have spent more time recording while some of us like myself have spent more time searching for "more" equipment and buying.

Roy, I salute you, keep up the good work!


Roy Howell 06-05-2005 10:48 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks Keith...I truly appreciate your comments. This upgrade should make a huge difference in what I can accomplish with my mixes. I've felt 'up against a fence' for quite a while as far as recording/mixing certain things well. For one thing, I'm looking forward to recording acoustic instruments much better now. Along with my other upgrade 'stuff', I'm also getting a new 6-string acoustic guitar...looking at this sweet Bourgeouis, but may just go with a Taylor I played recently.

So anyway...thanks Keith.


metaltim 06-05-2005 11:14 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Roy and Tim,

Listening to Comin Home now, very cool song guys! Your guitar playing is great as always Roy. Is that you singing Tim?

yeh thats me singing. You know i listen to it and everytime think it sounds so good compared to alot of my other songs.. and it was only like 6 tracks!!!! (drums are midi so that doesnt count)
sometmes you just gotta break it down a bit eh?

Roy: Id be glad to, I'll look for the email.


Stiff 06-05-2005 12:13 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I hear you man, many of my favourite bands are trios, though there recordings might be more than three tracks, there is a basic minimalistic feel to them and I really like that. People use way too many tracks these days
You got a good voice man, and it's a good song... keep up the good work!

Roy Howell 06-05-2005 08:39 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Roy and Tim,

Listening to Comin Home now, very cool song guys! Your guitar playing is great as always Roy. Is that you singing Tim?

Thanks Stiff...

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