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superpenguin79 05-23-2005 05:19 PM

Re: Overnight Lows
Doc: Great job on the latest tunes from No Harm Done man. They have been in rotation all afternoon so far here.. lol

superpenguin79 05-23-2005 05:27 PM

Re: Overnight Lows

Hey Doc, I like the cutting the drums idea! I'll mess around with that tonight.


Joz: Just out of curiousity, what type of setup do you run on her vocals on these mixes if you don't mind man?

IntelDoc 05-23-2005 07:28 PM

Re: Overnight Lows
Hey man, I have a idea that I am messing with that I will send you. Cut up your song some. I will e-mail you directly when I get it done. Probably tomorrow later as I am beat tonight.

It is kinda cool though and easy. Seems to fit as wll.

Also, I looped your intro from when the drums start right before the song starts. just made it double and seemed to fit to me better.

- Doc

IntelDoc 05-23-2005 07:54 PM

Re: Overnight Lows
This is what I was thinking of when I heard it, Hope that you do not mind that I edited some. Really just added more to the intro and then your stopped string part where you scratch on the strings. That part seemed to fit nicely there too. Reversed the cut and looped the string scratch part then reversed it back up to speed to get to the end part.

Here: I can e-mail you the session file too if you like. E-mail me....

WHERE DO WE GO - Mixed up....

Really like your separation. How are yo micing your cabinets and how are you getting such space?

- Doc

stewie 05-23-2005 08:04 PM

Re: Overnight Lows
joz that sounds great. and doc nice work with it too

wonderfall 05-24-2005 07:26 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks for the onomastic (does it exist in English?) Superpenguin!

I'll try the things you said, even though I'm too busy with new songs for now... and it feels like the re-mix can be done anytime later, so...

Yes, why not chat? How?
(and remember I'm a european, we may have different schedules...)



superpenguin79 05-24-2005 11:08 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Thanks for the onomastic (does it exist in English?) Superpenguin!
I'll try the things you said, even though I'm too busy with new songs for now... and it feels like the re-mix can be done anytime later, so... Yes, why not chat? How?
(and remember I'm a european, we may have different schedules...)

dude, what is a onomastic?!?!? have fun with the new tunes man. Writing is always fun. peace

superpenguin79 05-24-2005 11:29 AM

Re: Overnight Lows
Doc: nice remix on this one man! Reminds me of some No Doubt stuff on there kinda.

IntelDoc 05-24-2005 11:37 AM

Re: Overnight Lows
Oh they definitely have that flare to them. I am not going to say too much, because Gwen sold out with that crappy "Bananas" song. So in my mind, Joz's band can fill the gab that they left behind years ago. I really enjoy Joz's mixes. Lots of separation, and a good music sense about them. Like BubbaJ said, good musicians help the mix alot too. They have talent, and a good sound. My only comment would be to tailor it to their own ways as it does have somewhat of a "No Doubt" flare. An average listener I think would feel that it was some unreleashed "No Doubt" song in some aspects. Again though, I dig the music and that is what counts.

I mean no offense Joz, and I am pretty sure that you have heard this all before?

Great work though, and great skillz in the mixing.

Still wanna know what that funky sound is on the tune right before the vocals start up.

- Doc

superpenguin79 05-24-2005 12:58 PM

Re: Overnight Lows
yes, definately agree that good musicians make all the difference. Not to mention Joz is awesome at the mixes there. put 2 & 2 together and ya get some awesome tunes.

Finnish 05-24-2005 12:58 PM

My first song
Ok, this is my first song, a cover-one, but I'd like some comments on it. I've been using two months MBox, so I'm a beginner. Ok, I'll go to sleep now.


superpenguin79 05-24-2005 02:20 PM

Re: My first song

Ok, this is my first song, a cover-one, but I'd like some comments on it. I've been using two months MBox, so I'm a beginner. Ok, I'll go to sleep now.


Hey Finnish: for some reason the link that you posted does not work... it goes to "page cannot be displayed"? Please repost. thanks

doylemusic 05-24-2005 06:30 PM

Re: Overnight Lows
Hey Joz

Just getting around to listening to this. Man your stuff always sounds good. I remember you sending me a link to check out a while back. Gotta tell you that I reference it often for what gtr should sound like. Good stuff man, thanks for posting.

Joz 05-25-2005 02:54 AM

Re: Overnight Lows
Hey Doc, I really like the idea in that break in the middle of the song, I'm gonna play around with it, and also the longer bigining! thanks for the work!
Yeah, thats on of the reasons that song is old and we never finished it, because it has alot of Nodoubt vibe.

Joz 05-25-2005 02:55 AM

Re: Overnight Lows
[quoteJoz: Just out of curiousity, what type of setup do you run on her vocals on these mixes if you don't mind man?

You mean, like my vocal chain? well, it always changes song to song


Joz 05-25-2005 03:00 AM

Overnight Lows
Ok, I fond this in an old hard drive! we had forgotten we recorded this. I didn't really mix it, just worked on it about half an hour. Plus the drums were recorded at our crapy rehearsal studio, but they came out decent. So I had to post this and see what you guys think. I'll finish the mix soon. I'm playing drums and guitar on this one



tempest18 05-25-2005 04:00 AM

Re: Overnight Lows
Hey Joz,

Another good tune. You wouldnt think these had been recorded at a rehearsal studio.

Good work.

BTW I dont really think your music sounds like No Doubt. Its the same style but then, does'nt a lot of pop songs sound the same? Exactly, anyway, nobody makes comparisons with them

If you like a tune, you'll buy it regardless of who it sounds like.


Chris Tempest

Hey, I think they should have a Rep system here. It would be nice to hand out reputation points to those who give good advice.

Finnish 05-25-2005 06:29 AM

My first song
Ok, I hope that this link will work.


I've played all instruments in this song, those MIDI-drums suck a bit, but this is only a test, I've got no big ambitious about this song. Hey, but I have to start somehow.

IntelDoc 05-25-2005 06:51 AM

Re: Overnight Lows
Hey man, meant no disrespect on the "No Doubt" comment. Again, really like your stuff.

Glad that you liked the mix up. Just some quick ideas that I had on it for ya.

Like to hear the final.

- Doc

superpenguin79 05-25-2005 11:13 AM

Re: Overnight Lows

[quoteJoz: Just out of curiousity, what type of setup do you run on her vocals on these mixes if you don't mind man?

You mean, like my vocal chain? well, it always changes song to song



ahhh, gotcha. do you use different mics, or a specific for her tone? I dig the smooth tone of whatever you are using on these tracks for the voice man... might just be the performance also though as she is a great singer man. *shrugs*

Joz 05-25-2005 04:42 PM

Re: Overnight Lows

ahhh, gotcha. do you use different mics, or a specific for her tone? I dig the smooth tone of whatever you are using on these tracks for the voice man... might just be the performance also though as she is a great singer man. *shrugs*

EQ is the main thing, the tracks really don't sound like that. I'm always looking for a speciffic sound, and do anything I can with EQ/compression to achive it. I always divide the vocal tracks into 2 (multing) and use different freqs on each, then I mix to taste


superpenguin79 05-25-2005 06:04 PM

Re: Overnight Lows

EQ is the main thing, the tracks really don't sound like that. I'm always looking for a speciffic sound, and do anything I can with EQ/compression to achive it. I always divide the vocal tracks into 2 (multing) and use different freqs on each, then I mix to taste


Hmm... very simple but effective. when you split the vox do you record into a stereo track and flip one side over or do you just copy the take to a new track and leave the same performance and what not to mix the effects in? good stuff regardless though man.

pk_hat 05-25-2005 08:47 PM

Re: Overnight Lows
got a new one here:


it's called "Bonk!"

Simple dance tune, gritty, raw, with a weird twist in the middle, hope you like...

pk_hat 05-25-2005 08:49 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
got a new one here:


it's called "Bonk!"

Simple dance tune, gritty, raw, with a weird twist in the middle, hope you like...

Joz 05-25-2005 09:05 PM

Re: Overnight Lows

Hmm... very simple but effective. when you split the vox do you record into a stereo track and flip one side over or do you just copy the take to a new track and leave the same performance and what not to mix the effects in? good stuff regardless though man.

I record normaly into a track, then copy that track onto another. The first track I do the usual stuff, EQ, compression (aslo cut alittle at 10k, because thats what im gonna be adding in the other track). The secornd track or the sparkle track like I call it, has extreme EQ en compression. Cut all the low stuff below lets say 700hz, then ad about 12DBs at 11k, then compress the hell out of it, about 13DBs of compression, ratio at :100, attack and release at the fastest setting. Now I have the sparkle track. Mix it very low with the other track and you can hear everything the vocalist is saying without having to turn it so loud. You can hear this on nearly every major lable artist.
You have to use the same comp and EQ to avoid phashing effects. And if you add other plug-ins to the first track, add them to the second as well but bypass them on the second track.


superpenguin79 05-26-2005 11:28 AM

Re: Overnight Lows
Thanks for the tips Joz, that is a hell of a lot of compression man but it sounds awesome! Might not be a bad trick for things like kick drums also. when are you guys going to be hitting the road on tour with this stuff man?

Voideco 05-26-2005 02:37 PM

Ok this is my first session with recordings from my new guitaramplifier , a Crate together with a Celestion 85 Wt. speaker. Recorded with some A10 mic from Shure.


Looped recorded guitars through Reason samplers + added some Zappa samples. All in all some midi fiddling w/controllers. Glorified clicktrack for drums but it's getting more meat now .

Upped the 60-200 Hz range somewhat in Cool Edit Pro as well as the 4-6 KHz range. Any comments/criticism welcome.



phanatik 05-26-2005 04:43 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

ok folks got some new tracks up. mainly instramentalz from InstraMentalz. let us kno wht u think of our beats!


phanatik 05-26-2005 04:43 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

ok folks got some new tracks up. mainly instramentalz from InstraMentalz. let us kno wht u think of our beats!



superpenguin79 05-26-2005 06:00 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Wonderfall: Just listened to your first track again on a better set of speakers and actually I think that the mix sounds pretty good now man. I think that the set of speakers that I originally listened on just didn't do the mix justice man. Excellent work on that track though. Now that I am listening in the studio, I hear what you mean about the dynamics.

Captain_Pants 05-27-2005 01:02 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hello DUC.

Havent been in here in about a year or so?

Anyway, just did a cover of 'Sisters of Mercy' Lucretia My Reflection... Just for fun...
Check it out if you so dare.. hehe

Enjoy, let me know what you think if you do check it out:

Lucretia My Reflection

wonderfall 05-27-2005 03:56 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Superpenguin :

1. Onomastic : study of the names (like you served me about your username)
2. I'm glad you find the mix better now... I can proceed with next songs in peace...


wonderfall 05-27-2005 04:02 AM

Re: Overnight Lows
Joz, even though I could not listen to your tracks yet for connection reasons, thank you fo the tip on the vocal chain!
I have to try that!
At the same time, I'm afraid it will work fine because then I'll want to remix all my tracks, as evertime I learn new tricks...
It never ends...


superpenguin79 05-27-2005 10:49 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Hello DUC.
Havent been in here in about a year or so?
Anyway, just did a cover of 'Sisters of Mercy' Lucretia My Reflection... Just for fun...
Check it out if you so dare.. hehe Enjoy, let me know what you think if you do check it out:Lucretia My Reflection

Yo Ben, nice mix man. I have to listen to it tonight on the big system so I can hear it better. You score your Icon yet dude? Check out my other thread about the dream rig. peace

superpenguin79 05-27-2005 10:51 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Superpenguin :1. Onomastic : study of the names (like you served me about your username)
2. I'm glad you find the mix better now... I can proceed with next songs in peace...

ahh... you mean the story behind names kinda man? thats cool. as for the mix, yes honstely computer speakers do not do mixes justice. I have decided to only listen to things in the studio from here on out. good work on the track again though man! peace

Roy Howell 05-27-2005 11:21 AM

Re: Overnight Lows

got a new one here:


it's called "Bonk!"

Simple dance tune, gritty, raw, with a weird twist in the middle, hope you like...

Hey pk...
I like this title... ..........interesting mixture of dark atmosphere with an optimistic theme. Nice sounds and percussion as usual...well done.


Roy Howell 05-27-2005 11:42 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

here's my bands latest recordings:

or here:

recorded in a basement with an 001, mastered with waves...im very happy with the results.

I enjoyed these 3 songs, especially 'Crunch'.....band sounds good together. Nice job overall.


metaltim 05-27-2005 12:58 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
wow it's been quite a long time since i've posted.. i've listened through what i can over the last 5 pages hah.. it all sounds good. my 'duc' folder on my computer is up to a half a GIG.!!

anyway here is my attempt at a bit more rockin song, i usually have a bit more 'lighter' music if you will..

Here it is.. titled 'All the More'..

i've been using headphones a lot lately since i got an ipod.. i never realized how pretty much everything is panned, aside from vox and bass.. obviously i 'know' it's done, you just cant tell on regular speakers or in a car much..

so i went with that and put just about all guitars out of the middle; vocals are definately sounding better compared to my older stuff..

thanks for the listen..


BradsterBrad 05-29-2005 01:55 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Tha DUC is where it'z AT!!!! The mixes are soundin' good, fellas!!...

Got some tunez for you here...

NIGHT SKY Club Mix is up! Get it at: http://www.tranzportersound.com/music.htm

Also, there's a lot MORE on the site made with Pro Tools plus MAC, baby!
Electronic, Hip-Hop, and Rock... TranZporter Sound dOt Com...

All songs created by me using:
- all instruments were recorded and performed by me
- and featuring only MY OWN vocal (however twisted up)...

(...just thought I'd mention that, because it took me a LONG time to get it right...)


D I G I 0 0 1
OS 10.2.8 (Dual 1.42GHz) & PT 6.1.2
Focusrite & PreSonus pres
Neumann, AKG & Shure mics
McDSP, Digi, & Waves plugs
Roland SP-808, JP-8000
Yamaha DTX & Fibes Drums
Fender Guitars & Bass...

and, also, the Digi ICON 80-fader (J/K...I wish...)

Roy Howell 05-29-2005 11:33 AM

Re: Lions, Tigers, and Bears!

Hi Everyone!

Here's some of my most recent work. It's a band called Lions, Tigers, and Bears. The link is to their webpage but the tunes are playable right from the main page. I hope you enjoy, and PLEASE PLEASE comment and let me know what you think. I need criticism!

Lions and Tigers and Bears...OH MY!


Good mix job on these......guits, drums, and bass sound great...great energy from the band too.


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