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Roy Howell 03-27-2005 11:24 PM

Re: Still working with the screamers....

link: http://members.shaw.ca/edaema/mp3/
song is called "Save Me" but is listed as "In the Park" on that site.

or go through our website at www.atfband.com and pick "In the Park" under "Audio"

we're a rock band on the harder side, but tried something new on the verse sections... I'm not totally sold on it and may revert back to the straight ahead drums for that section... anyway have a listen and any comments please... go easy I'm a newby..


smlamb...I really enjoyed 'In the Park'...some really good stuff in there...great job on the vocals, guitars sound good, good song and arrangement. thanks for the listen...


Finne 03-28-2005 07:17 AM

Re: Still working with the screamers....

for your enjoyment, my latest.

Nice work. I like the sleepy atmosphere. A lot.This song has so much air.

I have again a new one.

LKP (mobilization)

I had some kind of creative period because I had week off. Time to play record and mix. But tomorrow is back to work. I like music making much more. Damn.

Anyway, feel free to say anything.

Roy Howell 03-28-2005 12:36 PM

Re: Still working with the screamers....

a lot of nice stuff here lately, finne, doc, rational punk, and everyone else, great work.

and now, for your enjoyment, my latest.

Great song(again), bp.....I know your recording conditions don't allow for the best production possible, but the song itself is a gem, IMO. And again, love your vocal style.


badperson 03-28-2005 02:55 PM

Re: Still working with the screamers....

know your recording conditions don't allow for the best production possible, but the song itself is a gem, IMO. And again, love your vocal style.

thanks, roy. Glad you liked it.

just curious, what would you consider an ideal production sound for this tune? My biggest problems recording in my apartment are amp noise and the sound quality of the rooms themselves.

What element do you think would help most? I want to get better converters, and a better mic this year. (hopefully.)
curious to hear your thoughts, and don't want to use my room/gear as too much as an excuse.

glad you liked the song!


Roy Howell 03-28-2005 04:19 PM

Re: Still working with the screamers....
I'll PM you tonight with some suggestions. Do you think you'll be able to shrink the other session to fit my ftp site? If not, just keep the key tracks, save it as a smaller session(just below 500mb) and send that. In a hurry for now.......talk to you tonight.

thanks, Roy

badperson 03-28-2005 04:55 PM

Re: Still working with the screamers....
thanks roy, I'm zipping the file now.


Joecraft 03-29-2005 02:03 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Some rough mixes of a friend of mine, all recorded on an 002r / powerbook system. Would love some feedback- Which ones should make it onto the final CD? will have several more to post soon.


Roy Howell 03-30-2005 12:42 AM

Re: Off the top of my head...

Wassup guys/girls

here some hip-hop joints recorded in LE. Mainly eq'ed with digi's new eq 3 eq and some Waves plugs. Tracks done on MPC 4K.

let us kno wht u think.


Sounds really good, man.....especially liked 'the game don't change' and 'something2say'...best of luck with it.


BretFarewell 03-30-2005 03:23 AM

Re: Off the top of my head...
i'm recording a new band right now. they have an indie rock sound almost in the vein of The Killers but more acoustic, a little darker, good stuff. I'll post some samples once they're finished.

madcow 03-30-2005 08:49 AM

This is a band I recently recorded. A bit different from the norm on here.
Thought I would share. Most of it was done before I switched to PT in Sonar. I then mastered it in PT.
A little on the heavy side (and explicit lyrics as a heads up).

I'll Shine (mp3 5.4 mb)

superpenguin79 03-30-2005 10:48 AM

Re: ...
New tunes are up at: www.cdbaby.com/cd/naebeck if you guys would like to check them out.

rost 03-30-2005 10:59 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

Here's one I just finished mixing called Hurting Kind. Don't be afraid to criticize! I can take it. Feel free to tear me a new one if you feel inclined. It's how I learn.

She's rocking out pretty hard on this one so I was trying not to make the mix too pretty. Vocal, organ, and guitar were taking up a lot of mid range so that is probably the biggest challenge.

All recording and mixing on Mbox.


Im very impressed with the recording and songs. You did this all on an MBOX? I really didnt think my MBOX was capable of this recording level. Time to get my butt in the basement and create!!!

Super Seven 03-30-2005 11:08 AM

Solo CD
Here are couple tracks in the works for my upcoming solo CD
Angel In Ice
Crystal Clear

Would love to hear some comments... also.... goto www.scottkroeker.com if you want to get the latest on the CD release


Ruben_B 03-30-2005 05:48 PM

Re: ...
Hi superpenguin79,
i had a listen to some of your tracks, well done , i really like the sound of remembering the moments. all thge best with it.
thanks for the listen

Ruben_B 03-30-2005 05:49 PM

Re: ...
Hi superpenguin79,
i had a listen to some of your tracks, well done , i really like the sound of remembering the moments, cool digeridoo intro. all the best with it.
thanks for the listen

Ruben_B 03-30-2005 06:02 PM

Re: Solo CD

Here are couple tracks in the works for my upcoming solo CD
Angel In Ice
Crystal Clear

Would love to hear some comments... also.... goto www.scottkroeker.com if you want to get the latest on the CD release


Hi Scott,
i had a listen to angelinice. sounds good, i like the sound of the guitars and the chorus effect youve got going there. Just one thing, maybe its just me but it sounds a bit sloppy or messy at about the 16 second mark when the additional guitar comes in, thats the only thing i picked up on.


Pop-cycle 03-30-2005 06:45 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
I was wondering if some one could help me out. My mixes don't seem to have the punch I'm looking for
They have a limited dynamic range. And volume levels are not good.

If any one can give Me some feed back that would be great.
Check out " Eyes Like You "

Thanks John
G4 867
Pro -Tools 6.1

Super Seven 03-30-2005 07:59 PM

Re: Solo CD
Good ear ... that is the bass kicking in and I haven't gone back and re-recorded the bass line for that tune yet....hence..'in the works' That tune was slapped together in a few hours. It will get polished up yet.

superpenguin79 03-30-2005 08:24 PM

Re: ...

Hi superpenguin79,
i had a listen to some of your tracks, well done , i really like the sound of remembering the moments, cool digeridoo intro. all the best with it.
thanks for the listen

Thanks for checking them out Ruben! Yeah, the Digeridoo was very fun on RTM. Believe it or not, I had never messed with one before my current project.

Joz 03-31-2005 12:11 AM

overnight lows new one
So here's a rough mix of our new song. I'll probably finish the mix by the weekend. Comments are welcome as always


vocalvoodoo 03-31-2005 12:27 AM

Re: overnight lows new one
Dang nice. I love your guys stuff!

vocalvoodoo 03-31-2005 12:41 AM

Re: overnight lows new one
Hey Joz, you guys on myspace? If so, whats your profile name? I'm Funakalicious Dixon.

phanatik 03-31-2005 10:47 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Heres some more home -grown hip-hop. no extra - particular setup....
all in the box. Digi eq3/ Izotope Ozone


phanatik 03-31-2005 10:53 PM

Re: overnight lows new one
heres some Hip-Hop for u guyz...

and do u have 2 pay to have ur music on my space?


Roy Howell 03-31-2005 11:27 PM

Re: overnight lows new one
You're doing some great stuff...cool vocals, and I love all that's going on in the background. Guits sound great. Good job, man.


Roy Howell 04-01-2005 11:17 AM

Re: ...

This is a band I recently recorded. A bit different from the norm on here.
Thought I would share. Most of it was done before I switched to PT in Sonar. I then mastered it in PT.
A little on the heavy side (and explicit lyrics as a heads up).

I'll Shine (mp3 5.4 mb)

Very well done...the band is tight, guitars sound great...very good mix. This is 'not my genre', as we sometimes say, but excellent job on your part. Post more when you can.


badperson 04-01-2005 07:49 PM

Re: ...

great song/performance/production.

I liked it a lot. I was wondering if the drums could have used a "liver" sound, but that's a super minor complaint that you may well disagree with.
great work.

madcow, your song was very good too.
what are you using for guitar sounds?

Joz 04-02-2005 04:54 AM

Re: ...
Thanks everybody.
Here's the "final" mix, it sounds much better!!
Badperson, the room I track in sucks for drums, so I have to mix the room very low, it drives me crazy, but I try to make it work. So I try to compasate by making the drums very fat. Listen to the new mix, much fatter.
vocalvoodoo, our myspace.com acount email is [email protected]. See you there!


DR.Loop 04-02-2005 06:21 AM

Re: ...
Hi Joz,

Very nice! I like it.


Roy Howell 04-02-2005 12:20 PM

Re: ...


Hi superpenguin79,
i had a listen to some of your tracks, well done , i really like the sound of remembering the moments, cool digeridoo intro. all the best with it.
thanks for the listen

Thanks for checking them out Ruben! Yeah, the Digeridoo was very fun on RTM. Believe it or not, I had never messed with one before my current project.

Finally got to listen to all the available songs, my favorite is 'Dream of Stars'...very nice chord changes...best of luck with your new cd...


Roy Howell 04-02-2005 12:30 PM

Re: ...

Thanks everybody.
Here's the "final" mix, it sounds much better!!


Joz...the remix sounds killer...great song. Really like her vocal 'personality' too. Wanna hear more when anything is ready.


IntelDoc 04-02-2005 01:42 PM

Re: ...
Great clean sounds man! Very smooth guitars, and your vocalist is pretty good. Hate to classify, but she has that Gwen sound.... Not bad at all. Very West Coast sound too. All of this was done on the 002???


Sounds great and great spacing. Very wide!

Oh ya, what amp is that on guitars? Marshall?? Great sounds....

- Doc

Joz 04-02-2005 02:52 PM

overnight lows
Thanks everyone.
IntelDoc, the chain that I always use is > brent Avrill 1272 > Rosetta (ecxept for most drums, thats mostly the 002 since I only have a pair of 1272s)
My amp is a jcm 800 > carl martin distortion pedal. I record all the guitars direct int into the comp. Then spend alot of time reamping and getting the right sound wile I'm not playing. But the real hero here is my Les Paul Classic Gold Top, it just sound amazing! leads and rythms they were all done with it.



IntelDoc 04-02-2005 04:10 PM

Re: overnight lows
Gotta love that Rosetta.... I love mine. I use the 1272's, not the B.A.'s but the Vintech and love it.

What is the room you track in loke?

Sounds great man... got it all on disk in th car now.

- Doc

Joz 04-02-2005 08:06 PM

Re: overnight lows
The room is our rehearsal space in west L.A
It's full of equiptment, carpeted etc. It has all these weird bass ressonances that I have to surgically remove with EQ on the drum overheads. Its about 10x10ft. You can hear the difference in the drum sound done in a big studio (songs "get away go" and "the way that I am" for example) in our music section www.overnightlows.com/music.html


superpenguin79 04-03-2005 05:26 AM

Re: ...

Finally got to listen to all the available songs, my favorite is 'Dream of Stars'...very nice chord changes...best of luck with your new cd...


Thanks Roy! yeah, "Dream of Stars" was a lot of fun to work on. I really enjoyed writing the solo on that song and doing the harmonizing with the piano part. Still hits me every time I hear it as a suprise kind of. lol Thanks for checking them out, and goodluck on your current projects also man. peace


keithl 04-03-2005 05:17 PM

Re: ...

that tune sounds great, man...
one of the best mixes I have heard from a 002..
is it mastered also?

I am working on my new CD and you made me want to trash everything!!

You can go into a little detail about the vocals?
one track? doubled at any point?
what compressor?
how was it compressed?
delays or reverb?

I really like the "closeness" of the vocals in the mix...
and would like to get that kind of sound. Right now, I am just doing small delays, low in the background..


Roy Howell 04-03-2005 07:01 PM

Re: Solo CD
Super Seven-

Here are couple tracks in the works for my upcoming solo CD
Angel In Ice
Crystal Clear

Are these still up?...the link won't work for me...I'de like to hear em. thanks, Roy

madcow 04-03-2005 09:27 PM

Re: ...


This is a band I recently recorded. A bit different from the norm on here.
Thought I would share. Most of it was done before I switched to PT in Sonar. I then mastered it in PT.
A little on the heavy side (and explicit lyrics as a heads up).

I'll Shine (mp3 5.4 mb)

Very well done...the band is tight, guitars sound great...very good mix. This is 'not my genre', as we sometimes say, but excellent job on your part. Post more when you can.


Thanks for the kind words Roy!


madcow 04-03-2005 09:40 PM

Re: ...

madcow, your song was very good too.
what are you using for guitar sounds?

Hi badperson..

Not my song but a band i recorded..
The guitar sounds....Mesa Boogie of course (triple rectifier) :-)
Senhizer e609 and an Audio Technica 4033 on a marshal 1960b 4x12 cab.
2 tracks played seperatly panned hard left, right.
Oh ya and a ton of mids.

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