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Roy Howell 03-08-2004 02:48 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Is this the same singer as from the 'Kinky Reggae' stuff?

new girl. the voice isn't much, but the body makes up for that!

Uh oh... ...I tell you what, Spring has hit Memphis. I was out shopping the other day, and sheeeesh...

Roy Howell 03-08-2004 10:36 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Ok, I guess it's my turn. I wanted to wait until I had a couple of songs before I posted. My band is going to have a 45 minute interview on the radio tomorrow, so I guess it's fitting that you guys here it too.

Xeet Street Band

Bloody Nose
For Trouble
On Board and Up To Speed


Man, I almost missed your post. I just got a chance to listen to some of it... 'Bloody Nose' is a great piece.
Excellent playing, arrangement, everything...very nice. I'm still listening to the rest.
How many players in the band, etc.? Great stuff, IMO.

editor 03-09-2004 01:47 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

e.man, I just listened to wishing well: seriously cool. Those lyrics are fly-written?
Amazing. I like your voice. What did you use to do the drums?

Ya' that was some lucky shooting, another gift from the great spirit. I tracked the bass first, with an HR16 drum machine (brushes on a snare, in swing mode, which sound way good for what they are) and knew the feel I wanted and the rest just happened.

I like ("Rocket Ship") myself http://members.dslextreme.com/users/zap/Rocket%20Ship.mp3" I consider it to be one of the best songs I have written... and "Thank You" is probably the most alt. pop worthy song I have written, http://members.dslextreme.com/users/zap/Thank%20You.mp3

but I am glad other people pointed out that "Wishing Well" was something they liked and encouraged me to make CD's of. It got placed in a few B movies, because of other peoples efforts.

Give this one a listen ("The Same"), would you say single or album cut? I am letting a young band cover it ...and I think its strong, but I wonder if it would make a good single... who can say with this stuff... http://members.dslextreme.com/users/zap/The%20Same.mp3



flautista 03-09-2004 01:04 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Some Jazz to enjoy www.geocities.com/barondeltango

editor 03-09-2004 01:19 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Ok, I guess it's my turn. I wanted to wait until I had a couple of songs before I posted. My band is going to have a 45 minute interview on the radio tomorrow, so I guess it's fitting that you guys here it too.

Xeet Street Band

Bloody Nose
For Trouble
On Board and Up To Speed



I like "For Trouble" the best, although, they are all well done, Bloody Nose is very cool. Good recording quality good players. I think your stuff is ready for radio, smooth jazz or the wave style stations. Good work.



Keith Owens 03-09-2004 08:32 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Roy, I just wanted to comment on your music. I think you are a superb musician. Something going on always inside your head and it seems like you are doing a great job of letting it out. I like Mudcat Blues alot. Thanks for the good music and the inspiration.

Brad Ferguson 03-09-2004 10:09 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
well, here's my turn.

make sure to grab the Neoprene tracks.. i didnt do anything else on there
the first record ive recorded.
digi001, yamaha01v all the way.

nightshadecrisis 03-09-2004 10:53 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Roy, I just wanted to comment on your music. I think you are a superb musician. Something going on always inside your head and it seems like you are doing a great job of letting it out. I like Mudcat Blues alot. Thanks for the good music and the inspiration.

I totally second that. Roy Howell, you're the man.


Aussie169 03-10-2004 04:36 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Firstly, great job. Good playing, good recording.

A couple of points (note this is just my taste)
Overall both tracks sound very mid heavy. The distorted rhythm guitars dominate way too much for my taste. To the stage where the solo in "Alone At The Wheel" I found almost inaudible. The vocal I feel is also too far back in the mix and is very thin sounding. Lacks "balls".
The other thing I find about a top/mid heavy mix, is that when it is slammed through a limiter (as these obviously are), you get a brittle type of sound. Admittedly the mp3 conversion doesn't help.
But again, this is just my taste. I really enjoyed the tracks.
Thanks for posting.

editor 03-10-2004 06:32 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

The 2nd mix of Deep in Scarlett is perfect, you couldn't do better. I really enjoy the Mudcat Blues, you are very well versed in amazing guitar tones, ala, Fripp and Eno. I didn't know so many of us wrote music with no vox. Seems like a source music company should be formed by the thread members.

As far as the tune where the guys wife sang the vox (sorry I am 3 pgs. past you, don't remember your name)..., I like the tune and energy, its sorta' B 52's meets guitars, not synths. My thoughts on that song are, vox a bit more up in the mix (get my vote also); and drums a tad more compressed to bring out the rawness of them. Its close to a radio mix, just one careful remix and you have a real winner.

The tune, Weekend Warrior,

Good effort, as far as drums, the HR16 and HR16B are just fine in the Pro Arena, used very carefully. I would go the midi route if I was to change the drum voices. Good Rave-ish beat tune. With some inventive stuff going on.



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