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Stiff 01-31-2005 07:14 AM

Re: Arbeit macht frei
Finne, this might very well be my favourite song by you this far. A great rocker and I really think everything fits very well. Your vocals work very good for this kind of tune IMO.

Stiff 01-31-2005 07:18 AM

Re: Arbeit macht frei
Btw Roy, you know I enjoy all your songs a lot (and that last tune of yours was a killer) but I think Doc is right here... The missing piece of the Roy Howell puzzle is a fast shredder song

nightshadecrisis 01-31-2005 09:24 AM

Re: Arbeit macht frei
WOW! i havent checked up on this thread for awhile, and all i can say is there is some incredible work on here!

Finne-awesome songs. really original sound and awesome guitar riffs and twangs! i'm stoked to hear some finnish rock besides Apulanta....hehe.
Roy-****in great song Rattlesnake Ugly is...each song you make keeps getting better. I really like it. And yes, it is time for you to make a fast shredder song

i'm still listening back over the past few pages i've missed and will throw in my opinions as i have time. really, really good stuff though.

evan karjalainen

Stiff 01-31-2005 10:14 AM

Re: Arbeit macht frei
nightshade, I bet Finnes songs are even better if you understood the lyrics, right?

Finne 01-31-2005 12:40 PM

Re: Arbeit macht frei
It was so sweet. 10/10 points.


nightshade, I bet Finnes songs are even better if you understood the lyrics, right?

Stiff, look nightshades signature. Karjalainen is Finnish name, maybe he understand lyrics.

Stiff 01-31-2005 01:21 PM

Re: Arbeit macht frei
Finne, yes I know
Keep up the good work man... You make songs fast, and I'm glad you do.

Finne 02-01-2005 08:45 AM

Re: Arbeit macht frei

Your vocals work very good for this kind of tune IMO.

Stiff, I am mayby the worst singer in the universe. So this kind of song needs off tune sining, it is matter of taste.

Anyway nice you like it.


You make songs fast

That's nothing. About 10 years ago I and my frend, who made lyrics, made 2-5 songs one night. Lyrics is the hard part for me.


Thanks, it was awesome criticism.


That is one weird piece of music.

nightshadecrisis 02-01-2005 10:28 AM

Re: Arbeit macht frei
I'm Finnish and speak it and understand it all fluently...My golf-ball size brain doesnt usually rap around lyrics too easily though, no matter what language it is. I really have to concentrate if I want to hear and understand all the lyrics. Its probably all the Lapin Kulta and Estonian vodka us Finns drink, bogs us down! Kinda like the Swedes and Surstrom....

anyways, keep up the good work, im checking out your song right now underbiteman, and i'll chip in my 2 cents a little later when im not trying to do 300 things at once.


Apparition 02-01-2005 11:01 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
I'm new to the forum, but alot of people here have got some really good stuff goin on. Rpatterson - the bullmoose stuff sounds great.

This is a track done to 2 inch through an SSL, but mixed in the box on a digi002. I'll apologize in advance for the vocals being a little pitchy. Any comments on the mix would be great - Look forward to hearing more mixes from everyone.


Finne 02-01-2005 12:45 PM

Re: Arbeit macht frei
No sitten vaan mikseri.nettiin seikkailemaan, sieltä löytyy Suomi-poppia joka lähtöön. Ei tarvitse tyytyä Apulantaan. Muille ei voi suositella, kun eivät tajua valikoista mitään.

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