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French links 04-10-2008 10:24 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Material made with 002R PTLE 7.4( recording,editing,mixing )
Mastering on Wavelab with Waves plugins.
Protools is magic....



Roy Howell 04-10-2008 12:57 PM

Latest stuff.......mandolin field
Greetings guys. Hope all is well with everybody.....this is called 'mandolin field'.

mandolin field

JStuart-lead vox
AnnaB- lead vox and BGV's
Ella- bass
drummertom- drums
Roy Howell-song, guitars, mandolins, keys, mix

Thanks for listening. -Roy

Jussi 04-12-2008 03:10 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
My REMIX OF NUDE by Radiohead now here:


The remix is kind of faithful to the spirit of the original. I re-organised the structure of the song a bit, tweaked the sounds, sort of transposed the bass one octave, doubled the guitar in the middle part (Jonny Greenwood goes rough!), added the big strings and some pads etc. And the choir in the very end (silently on the left).

Please feel free to give some comments.

sbag 04-22-2008 08:46 AM

Come Gimmme A Hug
Charly Bottles FT 50 cents

Click Here

luffe 04-23-2008 06:56 AM

Re: Latest stuff.......mandolin field
Roy....man, this stuff is simply GREAT - My kind of music!!! I've not been around for a while, but
I just can't understand why you've got no comments yet.......strange! I can only say, that I love
your music - great sound, nice drive etc.....any chance that we could hear more SOON


But it would be nice to hear more details on how you did the recording, equipment, plugins used etc......

In deep respect and with the best regards,


skillary 04-23-2008 03:49 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Hey hey!

check out www.myspace.com/trackninestudios

let me know what you think, all!


Roy Howell 04-24-2008 12:15 PM

Re: Latest stuff.......mandolin field

Roy....man, this stuff is simply GREAT - My kind of music!!! I've not been around for a while, but
I just can't understand why you've got no comments yet.......strange! I can only say, that I love
your music - great sound, nice drive etc.....any chance that we could hear more SOON


But it would be nice to hear more details on how you did the recording, equipment, plugins used etc......

In deep respect and with the best regards,



Roy....man, this stuff is simply GREAT - My kind of music!!! I've not been around for a while, but
I just can't understand why you've got no comments yet.......strange! I can only say, that I love
your music - great sound, nice drive etc.....any chance that we could hear more SOON


But it would be nice to hear more details on how you did the recording, equipment, plugins used etc......

In deep respect and with the best regards,


Thanks luffe......very much appreciated. Mandolin Field was mixed on an 002r using various plugins ... SSL EQ, Comp, and Channel Strip...Rcomp, MasseyCT4....IRverb, etc... I run my guitars through a GR mp-2nv, whether miking my amp or running direct (usually for cleaner guitar stuff).

Again, thanks for listening and your comments.


mandolin field

Spyda KB 04-25-2008 01:26 PM

Some Smooth Reggae Vibes
OK..if anyone is interested in some smooth reggae vibes...


The new tune (select the first track) is Some Things Never Change featuring a singer by Fiona.

Recorded in PT LE 7.4 in LA and in Jamaica and partially mixed in PT LE 7.4 and on a Tascam DM-24.

Hope ya likes...

- KB

stoox 05-09-2008 09:17 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Here is a demo ive been working on.
recorded in my living room on a macbook


(safari will open it in your browser, you shouldnt have to dl it)

stoox 05-09-2008 09:17 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Here is a demo ive been working on.
recorded in my living room on a macbook


(safari will open it in your browser, you shouldnt have to dl it)

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