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superpenguin79 10-12-2005 10:32 AM

Joel: nice on the new mixes man! Drums on both sound great! nice job on the vox also. peace

hb_nc 10-14-2005 07:57 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Holy Cow! It has been a while since I logged on to the board and I am trippin' out on how this thread has grown. I am going to stay busy going back and listening to the new posts.

Check out my new stuff at:

I look forward to any feedback.

BTW, I recorded all this on my Mbox/PC

davetheone 10-16-2005 12:29 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hello Everyone! Just joined today; recently traded in some old gear and got the Digi 002R and Pro Tools 6.9 LE on Friday 10/14/05. Loving it very much, Installed on Custom Built p4 3.2 ghz, 2 gigs Ram (abit ic7max3 motherboard) 2 serial ATA 160 and 120gb, Win Xp Pro Service Pack 2.

Attempting Install tomorrow on Mac Mini 1.25ghz, 1gb Ram, with external 120 GB Firewire Drive.

Specialty; Extreme Audio Editing/Remix and Production

It's First track that loads (Make Noise 2006 - Can U dig it) This track was made to push the limits of Extreme Audio editing. Features every Slice and Dice audio trick and effects along with the kitchen sink!

Dave The One Mendez

Roy Howell 10-16-2005 09:49 PM

Re: Overnight Lows
Joz...took me a while, but just listened to these 3...great job on each one. Excellent guitar sounds/parts throughout...I found the elements of 'only me' especially interesting...but all are well produced and mixed...Great job.


usd 10-17-2005 04:14 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
hey gorilla!
in general it was the digi001 interafce with additional rme adi 8 pro! mic pres mainly from my desk amek angela2 and a spl channel 1! mixed within LE 5.2.1...
greets, alex

superpenguin79 10-18-2005 10:49 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Hello Everyone! Just joined today; recently traded in some old gear and got the Digi 002R and Pro Tools 6.9 LE on Friday 10/14/05. Loving it very much, Installed on Custom Built p4 3.2 ghz, 2 gigs Ram (abit ic7max3 motherboard) 2 serial ATA 160 and 120gb, Win Xp Pro Service Pack 2.

Attempting Install tomorrow on Mac Mini 1.25ghz, 1gb Ram, with external 120 GB Firewire Drive.

Specialty; Extreme Audio Editing/Remix and Production

It's First track that loads (Make Noise 2006 - Can U dig it) This track was made to push the limits of Extreme Audio editing. Features every Slice and Dice audio trick and effects along with the kitchen sink!

Dave The One Mendez

Yo Dave, nice work on the tunes man, added you on myspace also. will chat more later man, have to get going for now. peace

superpenguin79 10-18-2005 10:50 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Roy, good to see ya around man! how's the new studio going? you get the e-mail request from Lemix on the track? chat ya later man. peace

Spirithunter 10-18-2005 03:13 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hello all!

I have a new tune called "Wise Guys" Check it out if you get a chance! It is located under Buzz & Spirithunter.

There is one other new tune also with another project i am also involed in and that tune is called "Change".T hat would be under the Frozenbones Project.

I do all the music and mixes except for vocals. Which i have no control over on how they are recorded. The singer's write the lyrics and sing and then send me the tracks.
Buzz uses a soundblaster card and i am not sure of the mic.
Frozenbones uses a SM58 and NT1 Rode into a MBOX.

Thanks for listening and hope you enjoy!

http://www.freewebs.com/fracturecomposer/mp3s.htm (you have scroll down the webpage little)


davetheone 10-18-2005 04:02 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Charlie; Thanks Man! I'm drooling waiting for PT7. Ran into a couple of issues with error messages telling me to check hardware and buffer settings and I was only running two plugs (serato scratch and serato pitch n time on an 8 bar loop)


Roy Howell 10-20-2005 12:32 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Roy, good to see ya around man! how's the new studio going? you get the e-mail request from Lemix on the track? chat ya later man. peace

Hi Charlie...yes, I did get an email from lemix asking me to play on it, but I'm just too busy right now. Among other things, I'm doing the music for a new indie movie here in Memphis.....to my knowledge, lemix has not even mixed the first thing I played on over there, the DeafLimeBlues thing, so that alone makes me hesitant to do something else....But I would help you if I could, Charlie......just don't have the time right now......Good luck with it.

The studio is just great, by the way...I'm lovin it.

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