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Joz 05-25-2005 04:42 PM

Re: Overnight Lows

ahhh, gotcha. do you use different mics, or a specific for her tone? I dig the smooth tone of whatever you are using on these tracks for the voice man... might just be the performance also though as she is a great singer man. *shrugs*

EQ is the main thing, the tracks really don't sound like that. I'm always looking for a speciffic sound, and do anything I can with EQ/compression to achive it. I always divide the vocal tracks into 2 (multing) and use different freqs on each, then I mix to taste


superpenguin79 05-25-2005 06:04 PM

Re: Overnight Lows

EQ is the main thing, the tracks really don't sound like that. I'm always looking for a speciffic sound, and do anything I can with EQ/compression to achive it. I always divide the vocal tracks into 2 (multing) and use different freqs on each, then I mix to taste


Hmm... very simple but effective. when you split the vox do you record into a stereo track and flip one side over or do you just copy the take to a new track and leave the same performance and what not to mix the effects in? good stuff regardless though man.

pk_hat 05-25-2005 08:47 PM

Re: Overnight Lows
got a new one here:


it's called "Bonk!"

Simple dance tune, gritty, raw, with a weird twist in the middle, hope you like...

pk_hat 05-25-2005 08:49 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
got a new one here:


it's called "Bonk!"

Simple dance tune, gritty, raw, with a weird twist in the middle, hope you like...

Joz 05-25-2005 09:05 PM

Re: Overnight Lows

Hmm... very simple but effective. when you split the vox do you record into a stereo track and flip one side over or do you just copy the take to a new track and leave the same performance and what not to mix the effects in? good stuff regardless though man.

I record normaly into a track, then copy that track onto another. The first track I do the usual stuff, EQ, compression (aslo cut alittle at 10k, because thats what im gonna be adding in the other track). The secornd track or the sparkle track like I call it, has extreme EQ en compression. Cut all the low stuff below lets say 700hz, then ad about 12DBs at 11k, then compress the hell out of it, about 13DBs of compression, ratio at :100, attack and release at the fastest setting. Now I have the sparkle track. Mix it very low with the other track and you can hear everything the vocalist is saying without having to turn it so loud. You can hear this on nearly every major lable artist.
You have to use the same comp and EQ to avoid phashing effects. And if you add other plug-ins to the first track, add them to the second as well but bypass them on the second track.


superpenguin79 05-26-2005 11:28 AM

Re: Overnight Lows
Thanks for the tips Joz, that is a hell of a lot of compression man but it sounds awesome! Might not be a bad trick for things like kick drums also. when are you guys going to be hitting the road on tour with this stuff man?

Voideco 05-26-2005 02:37 PM

Ok this is my first session with recordings from my new guitaramplifier , a Crate together with a Celestion 85 Wt. speaker. Recorded with some A10 mic from Shure.


Looped recorded guitars through Reason samplers + added some Zappa samples. All in all some midi fiddling w/controllers. Glorified clicktrack for drums but it's getting more meat now .

Upped the 60-200 Hz range somewhat in Cool Edit Pro as well as the 4-6 KHz range. Any comments/criticism welcome.



phanatik 05-26-2005 04:43 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

ok folks got some new tracks up. mainly instramentalz from InstraMentalz. let us kno wht u think of our beats!


phanatik 05-26-2005 04:43 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

ok folks got some new tracks up. mainly instramentalz from InstraMentalz. let us kno wht u think of our beats!



superpenguin79 05-26-2005 06:00 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Wonderfall: Just listened to your first track again on a better set of speakers and actually I think that the mix sounds pretty good now man. I think that the set of speakers that I originally listened on just didn't do the mix justice man. Excellent work on that track though. Now that I am listening in the studio, I hear what you mean about the dynamics.

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