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Roy Howell 03-27-2005 11:24 PM

Re: Still working with the screamers....

link: http://members.shaw.ca/edaema/mp3/
song is called "Save Me" but is listed as "In the Park" on that site.

or go through our website at www.atfband.com and pick "In the Park" under "Audio"

we're a rock band on the harder side, but tried something new on the verse sections... I'm not totally sold on it and may revert back to the straight ahead drums for that section... anyway have a listen and any comments please... go easy I'm a newby..


smlamb...I really enjoyed 'In the Park'...some really good stuff in there...great job on the vocals, guitars sound good, good song and arrangement. thanks for the listen...


Finne 03-28-2005 07:17 AM

Re: Still working with the screamers....

for your enjoyment, my latest.

Nice work. I like the sleepy atmosphere. A lot.This song has so much air.

I have again a new one.

LKP (mobilization)

I had some kind of creative period because I had week off. Time to play record and mix. But tomorrow is back to work. I like music making much more. Damn.

Anyway, feel free to say anything.

Roy Howell 03-28-2005 12:36 PM

Re: Still working with the screamers....

a lot of nice stuff here lately, finne, doc, rational punk, and everyone else, great work.

and now, for your enjoyment, my latest.

Great song(again), bp.....I know your recording conditions don't allow for the best production possible, but the song itself is a gem, IMO. And again, love your vocal style.


badperson 03-28-2005 02:55 PM

Re: Still working with the screamers....

know your recording conditions don't allow for the best production possible, but the song itself is a gem, IMO. And again, love your vocal style.

thanks, roy. Glad you liked it.

just curious, what would you consider an ideal production sound for this tune? My biggest problems recording in my apartment are amp noise and the sound quality of the rooms themselves.

What element do you think would help most? I want to get better converters, and a better mic this year. (hopefully.)
curious to hear your thoughts, and don't want to use my room/gear as too much as an excuse.

glad you liked the song!


Roy Howell 03-28-2005 04:19 PM

Re: Still working with the screamers....
I'll PM you tonight with some suggestions. Do you think you'll be able to shrink the other session to fit my ftp site? If not, just keep the key tracks, save it as a smaller session(just below 500mb) and send that. In a hurry for now.......talk to you tonight.

thanks, Roy

badperson 03-28-2005 04:55 PM

Re: Still working with the screamers....
thanks roy, I'm zipping the file now.


Joecraft 03-29-2005 02:03 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Some rough mixes of a friend of mine, all recorded on an 002r / powerbook system. Would love some feedback- Which ones should make it onto the final CD? will have several more to post soon.


Roy Howell 03-30-2005 12:42 AM

Re: Off the top of my head...

Wassup guys/girls

here some hip-hop joints recorded in LE. Mainly eq'ed with digi's new eq 3 eq and some Waves plugs. Tracks done on MPC 4K.

let us kno wht u think.


Sounds really good, man.....especially liked 'the game don't change' and 'something2say'...best of luck with it.


BretFarewell 03-30-2005 03:23 AM

Re: Off the top of my head...
i'm recording a new band right now. they have an indie rock sound almost in the vein of The Killers but more acoustic, a little darker, good stuff. I'll post some samples once they're finished.

madcow 03-30-2005 08:49 AM

This is a band I recently recorded. A bit different from the norm on here.
Thought I would share. Most of it was done before I switched to PT in Sonar. I then mastered it in PT.
A little on the heavy side (and explicit lyrics as a heads up).

I'll Shine (mp3 5.4 mb)

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