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emranrao 03-25-2004 07:06 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Hi everyone,

I just registered with soundclick.com and uploaded couple of my instrumentals. So, go ahead and give it a listen and your feedback would be greatly appreciated.



Mac G4, Digi 002R, Pro Tools 6, Logic Platinum 6, Reaktor 4, Absynth 2, Albino, Triton Pro X
Access Virus C, Novation Supernova IIR, Waves Platinum, Sony Effects, Mackie Mixer, JBL Monitors

Roy Howell 03-25-2004 08:47 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
'California' sounds good too, John. Nice warmth on the overall mix... the website looks great, by the way.

jjhuntfox 03-25-2004 01:36 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
California was the one song I didn't record my solo live. That sound, on the lead, is a strat straight into my octopre, with a bit of Dverb. Gave it a great warm clean sound.

It's my wifes favorite song.


dkrz 03-25-2004 05:07 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Just put up my first “real” website. New orchestral sample library, new music!
Any critique at all welcome regarding the music and/or the site.


badperson 03-25-2004 09:00 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Do you have a copy of 'Someday', that I played on?
thanks, Roy

Hey Roy, I just searched my hard drive, but couldn't find it. I think that file was a victim of GIANT A** HARD DRIVE CRASH II.

Which sucks, because I listened to that quite a few times, and loved what you added.



Roy Howell 03-25-2004 10:11 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
My copy and the session I created for it were both victims of a hard drive crash too. I lost many similar type sessions that I hadn't backed up. I tried to get the exact drive twice to try switching cards in it, and both times was sent the wrong drive, so I put it on hold for awhile. In another thread, Digi posted the name of this company that resurrects files from drives like this, and according to their rep, there's a 90% chance they can recover the files on the drive, but man....they're high. Check out these prices from an email the rep sent me...


The estimate to recover data from the 60gb hard drive you described is:

* Standard 1-2 Business Day Service: $900-3900.

* Economy 5-7 Business Day Service: $500-2700.

There is a $200.00 attempt fee if the data is not recoverable.

* Priority Round-the-Clock/Weekend Service: $1800-6900, with a $400.00
attempt fee.

Our pricing is based on the drive capacity, the operating system, and
the complexity of the recovery. DriveSavers will never exceed the
maximum amount quoted."

fhqwhgads 03-26-2004 12:32 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Editor, thanks for listening. Sorry it took me so long to respond, I've been quite busy with non-music related things for the past couple of weeks. I'm new to PT, so I'm a little unclear about putting a close room verb on the whole mix. Do you mean bussing each individual track through an aux, or putting a verb plug on the master fader? Or neither? I think it's a great idea, I'm just not sure how to go about doing it efficiently or for that matter, correctly.

Thanks again!

And a general question to all...I want to make sure I adhere to DUC etiquette; is it expected that since I asked you all for input on my music, that I should do the same for others here...or would that be impolite seeing as I'm a PT newbie?


Regarding: http://www.nbtmusic.com/mp3/worstsongever_roughmix.mp3
I like the over all drum sounds, especially the snare and the close room feel on them. I would put some of that close room on the whole mix, but just a tiny bit, like 1% to 3% bussed through an aux. track and returned to the mix, to tie the whole tonal balance together, so everything sounds like its coming from the same environment.

picksail 03-26-2004 12:51 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I originally posted this song on the Gearslutz and TapeOp forums as well as, various forums within the DUC. Let me know what you think and when I do get a chance to remix, what I could do differently.

"Five Bucks Gets You Nowhere"(edit)
Composed, performed, produced and engineered by Stewart Cararas
©2004 Phlorescent Beacon ASCAP

This is a track from my forthcoming album which was included on a compilation currently being pressed.
This particular song is more of a sociological satire. The parts which sound horribly cheesy were designed to sound that way. I in no way mind being the brunt of my own twisted joke.

Unfortunately, this recording wasn't intended to be released yet. I had hoped I would have been able to re-mix it but, given the time constraints regarding this release, it was virtually impossible.

At the time I was asked to be a part of the compilation CD, I was working 12/14 hour days trying to get our studio up and running. And since the studio wasn't ready I intended to bring it to Trent Reznor's place, as he has an SSL/PTHD, and mix there. But again, f**king time constraints.

The low-end punch is something I feel is missing. This definately enters into the re-mix equation. I really, didn't want to add any 'false bass presence' to the mix because I felt that the bass guitar sounded pretty good . Albeit, I wish that I had the time to have done something. It is kind of deceiving when the theme enters just after the 'quasi-industrial ostonato' and the bottem disappears. In retrospect, I would have dealt with this by continuing with the 808s on the quarter notes during the main 7/4 theme. Next time!!

I wasn't crazy about the long dramatic fade at the end, but it seemed like an appropriate segue into the next song, which was a slow meloncholy piano peice. Come to think of it, it's a very cool song performed by Rock City Morgue, Sean Yseult's (of White Zombie fame) new band.

At the time, I had to complete the mastering of the compilation CD as my deadline was 7:30 am last Monday. This was paramout. Not only did the CD have to be out the door but, also the magazine which was hosting the CD. Boy, did I learn a thing or two about magazine publishing turn-around time. These guys don't screw around. I mean, you can delay the release of an album - but a magazine, no way. Anyway, I was cutting it very close and felt that the bulk of the mastering had to be completed before I could even begin adding my song. No way was I going to compromise the entire CD for one song; not even my own.

When I was mixing/mastering this song I felt as though it was as 'finished' as it was going to be. I left the studio at 4:00 am, 3 1/2 hours before my deadline.

This is yet another example of an ALSIHAD production. Recorded and mixed within a Digi 001 w/ Benchmark DAC-1.

I guess sometimes you gotta bite the bullet just to get some press.

6.1 Mb
MP3 compressed @320 kbps
Five Bucks Gets You Nowhere

Gene Backlin 03-26-2004 08:53 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Site looks really nice. Music sounds great! The new library sound very good.

Take Care,

Roy Howell 03-26-2004 02:41 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

And a general question to all...I want to make sure I adhere to DUC etiquette; is it expected that since I asked you all for input on my music, that I should do the same for others here...or would that be impolite seeing as I'm a PT newbie?

Always feel free to give feedback here if you want (of course). You don't sing like a newbie... ..your opinions are welcome.

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