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oslpchris 11-20-2001 09:48 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I posted this on the "5.1.1" thread but figured this is where it probably belongs. The link to the song is called "HC" and you'll find it at the link below. It's a demo so the vocals are a little rough but you'll get the jist of the song... So I'll just cut and...

>>If you go to www.outerspaceloveproject.com/music.htm on the Space Music page there is a small link to a song called "His Cleverness" the link is titled "HC". It is the first song that we recorded and mixed since I got Protools. Feel free to let me know what you think. (I guess I should put this in the "Let's hear your latest stuff..." thread. Oh well, you guys will get a treat no one else gets.) This is my buddy Sia's song, so he's the one singing... in my band whoever writes the song gets to sing the lead. Pretty fun eh? If you want to hear my voice... check out "Rollercoaster" or "Happy Ever After"... they were recorded on the DPS12 that I have since sold. No mix automation... but good songs just the same.>>>

Let me know what you think!

chris www.outerspaceloveproject.com

Voutsonios 11-20-2001 02:35 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
i liked it, i ve a question though
can you please tell how did you get your drums sounds?


Mark_Knecht 11-20-2001 03:24 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Fun song and sound. Creative. Upbeat. Must listen later on a better system.

Liked it.

Roy Howell 11-20-2001 04:22 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Some are samples from that 'Kalava Drums' that I posted a while back, and others are samples I collected from other sample sites.
They cut through, don't they?

And, with all the posts on compression, one thing I do is to compress the cymbals and rides separately, just enough so they don't lose their bite. If I had only one compressor to work with, I would probably compress just the cymbals before I would the Master fader.

If you'de like, I'll repost that Kalava site, but I'm in a rush right now......

Thanks, Roy

Voutsonios 11-20-2001 05:57 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
thnx for the info - i have the samples - you can check the song that i posted - it is in page 4 of this thread - i used kalava for the first time in that song
i try to train my ears to recognise if its samples or real drums but its damn hard for me
i really liked the snare sound that you got here

thnx again - let me know what you think about the drums sounds in the last sonng that i posted if you check it out

oslpchris 11-21-2001 01:12 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
oh yea, sorry about the drum machine... :-D


8mmOverdose 11-23-2001 09:07 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
There are some nice songs posted here, thanks everyone! I am listening to One Eyed Gypsy Waltz on my 20/20's and the kick and bass notes are shakin' the walls!

Now on to my stuff. I really like this band and will record their next full album as soon as i get my new studio setup. The first two songs I recorded mixed and mastered at my studio. The other songs I only mastered using Wavelab. http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/105/nati ve_tounge.html

Just for fun I will also post a song from my band. Sorry, no Pro Tools on this one. I recorded this on 16 track 1" tape and mastered it in Wavelab. The next cd will be recorded with pro tools. http://mp3.com/8mmOD

Roy Howell 11-23-2001 11:31 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi ballsthatclank,

First, I love your 'name'. If only my license plate was wide enough, I might just rip it from you.

And secondly, what you're describing is basically what this topic is already about. The advantage is that it's so convenient, because we all come to this DUC arena anyway with all of our other questions and topics. And when anyone feels the urge to post their music, this keeps things simple.

But, if there is a better concept, of course we'll go with it. So, let us know and thanks....


Zetajazz 11-23-2001 11:44 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Here's some country for those who like it.. I've not had a chance to play with the 001 much, but here is one project I did with a friend doing vocals... I know it's a cover tune and don't want BMI screaming but here goes.. Let me know what yall' think. All was used here was the 001 and a Roland G-1000.

Zetajazz's First Project


Roy Howell 11-24-2001 12:03 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Man, I love 'Queen Died of a Broken Heart'. It's the end of the night, lights were low, and it got me feelin' so serene.....

Then, I put on 'Post Mortem', and BAM! I almost jumped out of my chair.... It's great.

That's quite a wide spectrum of stuff you're recording there, brother... Good job on all of it. For what it's worth, I'm impressed.


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