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djryno 02-06-2009 08:15 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
C. Stone f. Paul Wall & Trae - Reppin Texas ...


SupaSTAAR - Halle Berry (Promo CDS)


SupaSTAAR - Mz. Aquafina

anybody know how to add a spacer in the mix and/or edit window...stead of puttin a blank aux track or sumthin...just a spacer? does that exist? mighta dreamed of it and thought it was reall.. preciate yall....100


JWalkerPostAudio 02-08-2009 04:09 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by djryno (Post 1349068)
anybody know how to add a spacer in the mix and/or edit window...stead of puttin a blank aux track or sumthin...just a spacer? does that exist? mighta dreamed of it and thought it was reall.. preciate yall....100


That would be nice wouldn't it? Sorry though, the best way is to use aux tracks, which is even harder to stand out as a spacer with PT8's new darker look IMO. I usually make it some obnoxious color and turn the volume all the up on it to help the color stand out.


djryno 02-08-2009 07:21 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by JWalkerPostAudio (Post 1349581)
That would be nice wouldn't it? Sorry though, the best way is to use aux tracks, which is even harder to stand out as a spacer with PT8's new darker look IMO. I usually make it some obnoxious color and turn the volume all the up on it to help the color stand out.


Preciate it...might need to start doin that...

lego 02-10-2009 07:55 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by markblasco (Post 1340678)
Here's a tune I just finished recording on my digi001:

Great mixing, man! Grat song, great voice, great music. WOW!

AgentOrange24 02-14-2009 09:24 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Some Metalcore stuff I'm workin on...vocals comin' soon!


ankely 02-17-2009 01:45 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
This track started in Reason...
Dirty Ork

I loaded some drum sounds from the "Finger Juice" library from Sweetwater Sound. I had converted it from EMU to NNXT format using cdXtract. Then loaded the individual samples into ReDrum. Also used were a TB303 sound loaded into NNXT and a doom kick in another ReDrum.

I then "Copied to Track" the Redrum sequences and added more hits and stuff and used groove files created from an old MPC60 in Digital Performer and then ported those to Reason via MIDI files to give the tracks some vibe. Lots of mixing and processing in Reason.

I then opened up Pro Tools 8 and ReWired the tracks in.

I added strings, brass, etc. with Structure and the UVI Worksation. In Structure I used a mix of the Goliath sound library and a bunch of stuff ported from EXS format including some strings from AKAI S1100. In UVI I used some UVI patches and some patches from MOTU Symphonic Instrument (MSI). Also two arps using MOTU MX4.

I used DIGI EQIII and BombFactory BF2-A for eq and dynamics on all tracks along with Pluggo Nebula on a creepy pad sound ReWired from Reason.

Most FX were in the patches or from Reason but for a delay and verb in PT. Mastered with BombFactory Pultec EQP-1A, Fairchild 660 and... believe it or not... Maxim !!!

Maxim is tricky to figure out, but does a good job after ya figure it out. LOL.


BretFarewell 02-18-2009 11:26 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

latest band I've worked with, have a very Incubus meets Glassjaw meets Mars Volta feel IMO. The musicians were very talented for their age (19-20) and did most of the tracks on first take. Would love some feedback!

netnoggin 02-19-2009 03:46 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
We seem to be stalled out here, so I'll give it a kick. This is a tune I wrote simply as a vehicle to try my hand at orchestration. It's considered by some to be elevator music, and I'm not so sure I disagree or take offense. Hey, elevators are people too.:D:D I run across clients who want orchestral sweetening on their tracks, so I figure I better keep my chops up.

I really just wanted to tink around with the various orchestra instruments, but it kinda turned into something half-way decent. I'll let you be the judge. I still need to "knock the corners off it" if I'm going to call it finished, this is just a quick automation mix to get everything somewhat balanced out.


OlegU 02-21-2009 06:52 AM

rocknroll/swing unplugged
Hey, guys

It's all very well to hang around in the US music environment. I don't believe we have that kinda chance in Russia.

What would you say to this? http://www.pijony.ru/turniton/FOUGASSEunplugged320.mp3
We tried our best with this engineer/producer.
We're anxious to hear you criticize the mix before we release the tune.:D

mixed on
McBook Pro
PT LE 7.4
hardware TC Electronics

Thanx in advance

ankely 02-21-2009 10:25 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
That sounded and was cool !!!:cool:

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