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Voideco 12-30-2005 09:06 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Ok a pre-production here, or should I say premature? It's taking shape though.....


PTLE 6.4 + Reason 2.5 + Rebirth 2.01 for bass. Hand-drummed rhythms looped in Dr Rex, guitartracks clean & distorted mic-ed with a Sennheiser M457 something. Some Trans-X Multiband comp on the master fader from a Waves bundle recently purchased. Also a Power Dither plugin set to 16 bit. Bounced to disk and then I opened the mix in Wavelab 2.02 for applying a puncher and a stereo-enhancer. All in the 48 KHz domain. Lastly downsampled to 44.1 KHz and voilà.

It's a bit repetitive but after a couple of days working on it I got me a more or less logical arrangement. There's a scream ripped from Pink Floyds' 'Careful with that axe, Eugene' on the cd Ummagumma. It's returning a bit too persitantly..... But any comments on the mix would be greatly appreciated. I really have the feeling I'm onto finding the right volume relations between the instruments plus the multiband compressor which is really awesome. Am I using it all sensibly or do you experienced fellows hear some flaws? My ears are whistling already after hours and hours of mixing so I really like to hear your opinion.


davec 12-30-2005 01:55 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

cool stuff..

superpenguin79 12-30-2005 04:41 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Digeridoo download here

Man usuanlly take more than a day to produce any sort of sound out of those puppies.


Dave: oddly enough, I picked it up after I got it and just kinda started playing.. *shrugs* I guess I must be fulla hot air eh? j/k

davec 12-30-2005 05:09 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Here's a producing project I'm working for a band I used to be in a few years back. It's progessive rock to hard-core with the belting screams so if you don't like that kind of stuff...

Hey Sis!

Tgrokz 12-30-2005 08:32 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
these are some acoustic songs my friend did a while ago. i cant record a full band because i just dont have the equipment. all i have in an mboxand my powerbook. i need to get some more pre's cuz im dying to record drums and what not. i mixed a session that was a full band, but it was recorded TERRIBLY. the drums clipped constantly, the guitars were recorded through a pod with bad effects and to vocals were so dull. it was quite a project but eh. ill post that maybe.

also note that im a total beginner at this, but its something i love to do.

Shawn Ames 12-31-2005 03:05 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Here's a producing project I'm working for a band I used to be in a few years back. It's progessive rock to hard-core with the belting screams so if you don't like that kind of stuff...

Hey Sis!


Groovy tune... I like the post hardcore stuff... Anyway, I feel like I'm being raped by 16k on this track. There is a chance that it's the encoding but I doubt it.

I think that -3db in the range of 12k and 16k would do wonders for this track.

Also, unless the band objects, I'd double the electric even during the little lead line thing...

Maybe bring out some "snap" in the kick drum. The double bass parts aren't popping out enough. I recorded a band earlier this week who wanted way to much snap on their kick but a little more on this track wouldn't hurt...

Yea, that's my 2 cents...
Shawn Ames
corban artist


Shawn Ames 12-31-2005 03:14 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Any more Christmas music?

How about this:

http://members.surfbest.net/[email protected]%20Santa.mp3

What do you guys think of the mix? I'm afraid the snare is a bit too loud. :-)

I wouldn't say the snare is too loud but the drums sound really distant... I don't really know what I'd do to fix it but I think it has something to do with the room or if your adding some verb maybe it doesn't fit... I'm feeling like the snare sounds like it was tracked in a different room... I can hear the guitars hard left and right but I don't really hear the pan knob anywhere else... go pan crazy on the bg vocals and the drums and it would really bring this track to life...


(I posted some stuff to be heard and I realized I was expecting you guys to take time to listen and I hadn't...)

Shawn Ames 12-31-2005 03:20 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

these are some acoustic songs my friend did a while ago. i cant record a full band because i just dont have the equipment. all i have in an mboxand my powerbook. i need to get some more pre's cuz im dying to record drums and what not. i mixed a session that was a full band, but it was recorded TERRIBLY. the drums clipped constantly, the guitars were recorded through a pod with bad effects and to vocals were so dull. it was quite a project but eh. ill post that maybe.

also note that im a total beginner at this, but its something i love to do.

I've got to give you a hand at having fun and getting creative with your limited set up... I like weird stuff though... even with the weird factor the verb is a little untastefull in spots... and have your friend watch his language!

Cool track.
Shawn Ames

Voideco 12-31-2005 04:58 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

cool stuff..

Thanks Dave.

Jack Rabbit 12-31-2005 05:30 AM

Up and running.
Protein, I like Sorry a lot. Yann, you are a genius.

Silverware still in boxes, but Mbox is up and running. A new version of an old song...now with keening and technobunny beats...a vocal flange extravaganza.


Much songwriting over the holidays, so stand by you lot.

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