View Full Version : A couple sync questions plus 882

02-08-2001, 07:35 PM
Anyways, I'm wondering if anyone else here is running a Pro Tools/Vision
setup for MIDI + multitracking. Specifically issues with syncing and a
couple other questions.

Here's my config:

Macintosh 9500
Digidesign 882/16 IO
Digidesign Project PCI card
Digidesgin Pro Tools 4.1.1
Opcode Vision 4.51
OMS 2.3.8
MacOS 8.6
MOTU MIDI Express XT multiport MIDI interface

Basically I'm having some syncing issues - or better yet trying to figure
out a way to effeciently work a syncing scheme and here is what I've come
up with:

Using the IAC bus with OMS, I have Vision slave off of Pro Tools and use
Pro Tools transport when I want to record midi tracks to audio (set record
ready on the tracks I want to record in PT and hit play while Vision syncs
are plays the MIDI instruments which produce the sound I record). This way
anywhere I want to start in PT, Vision syncs.

I've also setup MMC with Vision and PT so that when I use Vision's
transport controls it can trigger PT to playback as well. This way *seems*
to work, but I cannot get it work properly anywhere but the beginning of
the track. If I select like 01:00:45:00 or something, it automatically goes
back to :00 when I hit play in PT. I think it's because Vision is syncing
to timecode that PT is issuing, but PT still thinks it has a different TC
position. So far what I do with Vision is switch to internal mode when I
want to record MIDI data, then switch back to MTC when I want to print
those to Pro Tools.

It would be nice to be able to randomly access audio and midi from within
Vision's transport controls. I can do it now by knowing where I want to be
and moving that in Pro Tools and hitting play there, but not vice-versa.

Any thoughts?

Another thing: SMPTE offsets. It seems the only good way to get the system
working is to set Vision's offset to something like 5 seconds later than
PT's start. PT = 01:00:00:00 and Vision = 01:00:05:00. I found I need to do
this to get Vision to sync up properly as it seems like it needs 2 seconds
to sync. If I have them both set to the same offset, Vision will chop off 2
seconds of MIDI data and not play it back.

Is there a better way of working with this other than just leaving slack

Also, anyone using an 882 with a Mackie 1604VLZ? I cannot get a good level
match, it seems the only way is to drive the 882 inputs with the 882 set to
-10, or set it to +4 and just drive the channel outs really hot from the
Mackie (move faders high). If I don't get a good input level to Pro Tools,
I can hear noise at higher volumes (mainly because I'll have something
peaking at 0 dB on the Mackie actually registering like -18 dB inside Pro
Tools which isn't optimal). The stats for the 882 show -14 dB headroom, but
why even bother with headrom on a direct in/out multiport digital interface
used only for recording (assuming I watch levels so digital clipping
doesn't happen) I want to be able to just hit shy of 0 to get the
hottest levels possible. But at the same time I want the same relative
levels so that aux sends and return levels will be proper and I'll be using
my mixer's gain levels in an efficient manner.

I've heard the 882 is noisy, one of things I see is when I max out the channel and mixer main with nothing actually playing or no sound present, the 882 produces this repetitive digital sound, like 180 bpm tick tick tick tick, but more muffled.

If I pump my levels close to 0 dBFS in PT, the noisefloor isn't really a big deal, but if I do 0 dB out the mixer with the allowed 14 dB of headroom, the noise becomes noticable (probably 14 dB more of it :-)).