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Old 07-15-2003, 12:41 AM
Lumberg Lumberg is offline
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Manhattan Beach
Posts: 3
Default Re: Is DV Toolkit Available Yet (Download/Store)?

You want emotional times? Try having to play the big game on Saturday. Yeah they need you to come in on Saturday to play the big game against Devry.
Sure i'll get my quadruple double, but if the rest of my gang, i mean team members can't guard their man then what am i supposed to do? Guard the whole team and try to produce these same numbers? These are the problems i'm faced with and you need to go talk to the schleps at WLA Music. Big Deal. Please bobblehead fan, email me your email address at [email protected] so i can catch up with you and your minions. I miss all the talk of hollywood squares and dana and bartenders pouring me Toddy's, not to mention my GUT feelings and the like. I no longer have your current email address and am anxious to catch up with you and bit_rot aka the Jungle kid who thinks he's Amon Tobin and marky marc and his funky bunch. i understand that you're celebrites and such because i found an article on the web that you were in, but i still hope you can communicate with the up and comers who would like your attention and guidance. We all weren't born with silver spoons in our mouths, some of us have to grind it out, so to speak.
Love, the international voice of reason.
ps the lakers seem to be in pretty good shape these days.
Uh yeah..... we're gonna need ya to come to work on Saturday...oh yeah and Sunday as well. Greaaaat. Thanks
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