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Old 06-26-2019, 01:03 PM
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antonis antonis is offline
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Default Dolby Atmos Ceiling Speakers - Rear vs Front Ported Speakers

I am just about to complete the installation of a Dolby Atmos rig in a small room (tracklay and possibly premixing).

I am typing this a bit on the hoof here (I can give more details, dimensions and so on) but my query has to do with the ceiling speakers. I am about to install four Genelec 8020a's which are rear ported and due to the room dimensions (very high ceiling) I am not sure they are ideal.

I am thinking of buying customised ceiling acoustic panels that allow the Genelec ceiling mounts to go through them. But I do have a few older 1029a's sitting in a cupboard which are are front ported.

Any advice?
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