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Old 06-02-2005, 11:55 PM
Rabidium Rabidium is offline
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Seattle
Posts: 763
Default Re: Fade Tracks Question?

Is the message something like "Fades can't be moved without corresponding audio"?

This message comes up whenever I try to move a selected fade which has been pulled out with the multitool. Recently I figured out that I pull the fade out all the way, but it might be 4 samples away from the edge or something, so it thinks I just want to move the fade part. There's two solutions I can offer, either zoom in really close (I set my 5 preset to 'really close') and grab the region or 'Just Alt-Shift-3 and forget it!'

If I'm missssinnnnterpreting your question, younnnng Jedi, please be so kind as to elaborate upon your quesssssstion.
I guess I'm back.
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