Thread: GUI issue
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Old 11-10-2019, 06:39 PM
ThroughAGlass ThroughAGlass is offline
Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: Lawrence
Posts: 9
Default GUI issue

So I recently updated to the newest Pro Tools 2019 update. For a day or so it worked just fine, then out of nowhere I had the issue where all the windows and the plugin GUIs were too small detailed in the following thread

In that thread it was suggested I follow along with the following youtube video

Which helped, but now I have a different issue.
Now, when I select clips in tracks I get the selection show up somewhat diagonally left and above where the clip ought to be. Also the "Now Selection" marker also is behind where it ought to be. I've attached a screenshot of this issue. Can attach further images if it's not helpful enough.

Does anybody know what happened and, more importantly, how to fix it?
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