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Old 06-19-2019, 07:58 PM
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creativecontrol creativecontrol is offline
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Default Show Fader Values

Let's take a look at the recently revised Momentary Fader Value Display in S6 19.5.1. In previous versions of S6 (18.3 and earlier), there was a set of User Settings called Show Momentary Fader Values and Momentary Control Value Delay. If Show Momentary Fader Values was enabled, on touch, the channel scribble display would show Fader Values for the period of time specified in the Momentary Control Value Delay. If, for example, you always wanted to only see the track names - you could simply untick the option to Show Momentary Fader Values.

With S6 19.5.1 - we've added a whole new set of possible ways to control the behaviors of when or if the channel scribbles switch from Track Names to Values. Let's take a look.

If Show Fader Values is set to Off then the channels will only ever show Track Names. The next option, While Fader is Touched, will continuously display Values while the fader is being touched. This option essentially ignores the Fader Value Timeout setting. The third option, Timed at Fader Touch, Off at Release, will observe the Fader Value Timeout setting (0-5 seconds) when the fader is touched, however, if the user touches and lets go of the fader quickly it will jump back to Track Names immediately. Let's show two different examples:

(1) I touch the Fader and after the 2 seconds I have for my Fader Value Timeout setting, the scribble displays return back to Track Names.
(2) I touch the Fader and after 1 second I let go - it returns back to Track Names immediately without observing the full 2 second Fader Value Timeout.

The 4th option is called Timed at Fader Touch which, on touch, displays Values for a period of time as set by the Fader Value Timeout, at which point the scribble display returns back to showing Track Names. The final option, Timed at Fader Release, displays Values on touch and continuously while the fader is being held. When the user let's go of the fader the Value continues to show for a period set by the Fader Value Timeout and then returns back to showing Track Names.

Hopefully with these additional options there's a combination of behaviors and timings that will make sense for the way you want to work.

Jeff Komar
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