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Old 01-10-2020, 01:55 PM
ZacMenton ZacMenton is offline
Join Date: Jul 2019
Location: Pennsylvania, USA
Posts: 14
Default Re: AUX Sends making my signal louder at 0Db (Duh, 2 signals), How do I avoid this?

Originally Posted by albee1952 View Post
Okay...I've read this thru twice and still have no idea what you are trying to do here I'll start by guessing you have little experience with a real mixer and so, you don't have a clear understanding of what a bus is or does?

In the hope that I'm not completely on the wrong path, here are a few more things to consider:
1-Sending a track(thru a bus) to an AUX track will(if the AUX track fader is at -0) essentially doubles the volume IOW, it seems to me that its doing what I would expect, based on your description.
2-to side-chain, you only need a send as the side-chain source.
3-any send can be PRE-fade or POST-fade, up to you to make that choice
4-An AUX track(or ANY track) doesn't NEED to route thru main mix
5-A send that feeds "nothing"(like a bus that goes nowhere) can cause delay compensation confusion; the "orphaned" bus can cause unexpected latency
6-sending an AUX track thru a bus to another AUX track can also cause delay compensation confusion.

Think of buses as pipes that allow you to feed some "water"(audio signal) to another destination(so you can treat(process) If you feed that bus("pipe") with a send, the send acts like a faucet(crack it on a little to send a little signal down the pipe, crank it wide open to send a lot).

I'm just really terrible at explaining stuff bc I've been mixing for like 7 months but have tried learning almost everything about mixing and audio engineering. I'm a big computer guy so audio engineering is like right there and I tried a lot of things but for some reasons I always kept busses simple but now I'm trying to side chain more different types of plugins and creating bussed delays...
You know the deal.

As for your advice, 1 is exactly what I was saying and I understood that. I sidechain like 2 as well...
On 3, that is probably just my lack of pro tools mastery...I don't know how to set the pre-post fader to PRE or POST. Is clicking the pre setting it to pre and if it isn't clicked, post?
5 Familiar with 5 as well, always accidentally dong that. 6. On that note, what is the best way to send a main vocal, to another bus, how would I then route THIS OUTPUT, from Main->Bus 1->->->three different sends of THIS SIGNAL to reverb/delay bus, and PRE-reverb blending (I do this trick to give a nice space in the mix, I'm sure you're familiar with its effects...

Your faucet analogy is also amazing, really helps me visualize it a whole lot better...that explains the "dry/wet" thing a little too :)

Last edited by ZacMenton; 01-10-2020 at 01:55 PM. Reason: Forgot to Add some Text
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