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Old 03-12-2006, 08:54 AM
SonicWorx SonicWorx is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Detroit, MI
Posts: 14
Default Re: Getting Started as a Mixing Engineer

I too have been on that boat. And I've found it almost impossible (personally) even with almost 15 years of engineering experience to land something in a studio. The only alternative I've had is make my own studio. I've noticed most studios around Detroit including myself really don't do the intern stuff. They're on the job being paid by an artist and prefer to work in their own realm without someone else being there.

Based on my own personal situation, I've noticed it's about who you know and (of course) what you know. I notice most engineers that work for owners of the studio are generally really good friends. And rightfully so, if you had hundreds of thousands of dollars in studio equipment in a want to make sure you trust the guy.

But eventually I wound up meeting a guy and I got to work with him at his studio for a while before I had to go off to school.

Sorry to rain on the parade in the first couple of paragraphs. I hope you fair better and quicker than I did...especially in the UMass area. The more you keep doing audio stuff, the more people you get to know, the more you get better at it, and eventually you meet another guy that runs a studio that wants to work with you or someone hears about you through word of mouth.

Another word of advice. SAVE everyone's phone number you meet. You never know if one of those musicians you record you find out a couple years down the road opened up his own studio.
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