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Old 01-26-2020, 10:22 PM
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rsandifer rsandifer is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 51
Default Will Pro Tools 7.4 run on a 2015 Mac?

Me and my son were just hanging out in the studio after a mixing session and he noticed I had a license for Pro Tools 7.4 on my iLok. He immediately asked if it would run on my 2015 Mac. I am using an HDX rig and I told him that might be the issue since it would be pretty easy to get a copy of tiger and a much older Mac. Truthfully this seems to be quiet a bit of trouble but now it feels like some sort of quest to look at the old grey beast again. I hate when he does stuff like this but he is the baby and I pretty darn curious now.

So....what do I have to do to get this license on a box? Please no ******* answers. I'm pretty emotional when some dumbass figures out his moms password and decides to head to DUC.

I am sure some people might find this interesting. Or maybe not. Maybe I can give it away on our live FaceBook show ( pitchORditch music reviews ) as a semi gag prize. We do that quiet a bit and the visitor seem to really like it. Plus the more we do things like this the more funds come into our non-profit audio school. My wife just said I did a plug for the show. Sorry, its a habit.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Bob Sandifer
Bob Sandifer - Mixing and Mastering - Somewhere in Macon Georgia
404.783.9103 / [email protected]
Greatest Achievement: I killed a Chimporangapuss with a sharp stick. I am now KingCoochieTomTom!.....with a gooey sharp stick.
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