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Old 12-26-2010, 04:12 PM
oulablank oulablank is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Seattle
Posts: 300
Default Re: Strike Overhead Panning Issues....Bug ?

I was wondering if someone could check to see if they are having the same issues . All of my local fellow audio nerds do not own Strike . I'm wondering if I'm alone in this experience . After a setting is called up and playing back , solo the room channel and begin panning your hi hats to the left and the right . You should hear it go from left to right in the solo room channel as well . Now deselect solo on room channel and solo the overheads channel . Pan the hi hats again left and right and if you're experiencing the problem that I am having you'll notice that the hi hats seem to be at a fixed position (roughly 30-50 pan R , audience perspective of drummer mix wise ) no matter where you pan the hats . The fact that the room channel does this properly make me think that this is an error .
Also , I would greatly appreciate if some could tell me if they are getting phasing issues after printing EVERY channel except for the master . Every video / manual just shows you a few like kick and snare but never actually print all of them which made me wonder , does anyone actually use this rtas professionally or do they just regurgitate the manual and give the idea but never fully use it ? I ask because it does not seem to be user friendly at all when it comes to printing everything . Every time a commercial spot came up I was like "sweet , I get to use Strike instead of micing 16 pieces today but ALWAYS end up recording a real kit because of the phasing which I suspect is due to having to do multiple passes .Why multiple passes ? Because Strikes outputs are stereo only outputs .So this means that if I want my kick / snare mono like they usually are then I have to assign my kick and snare output ( in Strike ) to out 1 and then pan my kick hard left and my snare hard right .Then in PT I set the input on my kick to Strike Out 1 L. and the input of my snare to Strike Out 1 R.
That's where the " not practical setup / user friendly " comes in to play . If I have to hard pan to print mono then that means that when I listen to the room channel and prepare to print the relationship is all screwed up due to the hard panning needed to print mono sources .The workaround I tried was to print my overheads , room and talkback channels first ( while my panning relationships with the room track are still intact ). Then print another pass with kick, snare, toms, ect..and do the hard panning that needs to be done but upon playback I noticed horrible phasing during the fills .I thought it might be b/c of the plug ins used internally in Strike so I did the whole process over again but this time removed every insert in Strike . No EQ , dynamics , or anything else on any of the channels. After printing in two passes I still had the same " phasey " results . ! The panning issues I mentioned above I can deal with . It sucks to be limited in your panning options but oh well . This multiple pass / phasing issue is awful . And this is still happening after I remove all of Strikes bells and whistles . I also made sure that my buffer and all else remained the same for each pass so I'm now officially fully stumped . I know this post is pretty much a repeat of the long ass post from above but I have the day off and when I went to hit bump , I thought it better to ask someone else to recreate and got carried away again b/c I really want to see a resolution to this . Not b/c URGENT URGENT URGENT / CRy CRY CRY / but b/c I really think that AIR is a great team , THEIR PRODUCTS ARE GREAT and the IDEA OF STRIKE IS GREAT ! Almost there . A few tweaks / updates and it will be......unless someone reads this and can think of what I'm doing wrong or how to record it all in one pass ( without printing 1 stereo master directly from Strike master channel ).
I hope all of you are enjoying your holidays !
ps. Thank god for real drums.
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