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Old 04-17-2014, 09:17 AM
uQbar uQbar is offline
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Posts: 91
Default Re: Pro Tools constantly crashing while saving

Originally Posted by sw rec View Post
I had the crash while saving issue with nothing but the stock AVID plugs. It has made auto-save (session file backups) COMPLETELY unusable. I'm in the habit of doing a constant ctrl-s anyway, but have to be real careful to make sure it isn't doing ANYTHING else first. If it auto-saved in the middle of a render (like processing a fade or audio suite plugin) it would spit out error after error, and corrupt the session, forcing me to start over. (Sorry, can't tell you WHAT errors now, I disabled session file backups over a year ago. But I do recall assertion errors and access violations.)
Well if you were getting error messages you had a different issue from me. All of windows was freezing for me and a few other folks - so no chance to get an error message even in the logs. But like with you autosave was one of the things that seemed to set off the system freeze.
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