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Old 10-05-2010, 10:02 PM
nst7 nst7 is offline
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Default Re: Well, it's finally happening.....

The card is basically just a way to connect the HD interfaces. I don't think it does any processing. The whole point of this is that you get potentially the track count performance of an HD2 or HD3 for about half the price of an HD1, assuming your computer can handle it, plus as much plugin processing as it can handle. And it will have all the features included in HD software such as delay compensation, vca, post production features, etc. And the ability to have more I/O.

But the normal HD systems will still have advantages of TDM processing, such as the stability and guarantee of how many tracks/voices, the ability to use TDM plugs, tracking with plugs, etc. Which is why for some situations, even an HD1 would still be desirable over this for some peoples needs.
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