Thread: Which Mac?
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Old 09-21-2003, 12:55 AM
didger didger is offline
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Location: California and India
Posts: 237
Default Re: Which Mac?

At this point there's nothing around that will give you better performance than a dual 1.25 G4. The very fastest PC's give you a bit more speed, but not enough to justify the reduced plug-in variety and potential instabilities and incompatibilities.

As for G5, that's just not quite happening yet and there's no way to be sure that there won't be some problems that will take a while to iron out. G5 will almost certainly be stable and a lot faster than G4 eventually.

It's a question of just how much speed do you need, how much money can you spend, how long can you afford to wait.

Using lots of samples and lots of virtual instruments doesn't eat up CPU power that much, especially if you use Reason. What really eats up CPU is certain plugs, like reverbs. If you always need the maximum number of tracks (about 32) and quite a few plugs and a lot of virtual instruments, then you may need to go to TDM.

Most people manage quite well with a singe processor 1.25 Ghz G4. Almost anyone would do OK with a dual G4, especially if you're a little careful how you manage your resources.
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