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Old 11-12-2011, 12:59 AM
Krolbol Krolbol is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 6
Default Re: Extend selection to grid command?

Originally Posted by Rail Jon Rogut View Post
Quantize the regions/clips to the grid then use the Extend selection to next region function.

Hmm, not really what I meant...

Let's put it another way. I select the kickddrumtrack, tab to transient to my first kick-sample, shift+tab to make a selection, nudge selection start, nudge selection ending, press b to separate my kick-region, press option+0 to quantize the region to the grid and then I simply want a key-command to extend my current selection (i.e. my newly created kick-region) to the next grid line so I can immediately duplicate or repeat it to have it (if grid value is one half note) on the first and third beat of every bar.

I'm guessing there is no such command?

Another example, let's say you've made a selection of 4 bars that you want to loop, but you realize you actually need 6 bars. Just ctrl+alt++/- to change the grid value to 1 bar, use the "extend selection to grid" command 2 times and you're done... No needless mouse dragging...

I can imagine there would be all kind of other situations where such a command would come in handy when you work with loops, samples, when you frequently cut/copy/paste on the grid... Other opinions 'bout this?
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