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Old 04-01-2012, 07:33 AM
mightyduck mightyduck is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: los angeles united states
Posts: 457
Default Re: new pro tools is not as good

Yeah, they're implementing some software features that are new to pro tools, and many of those have been available in other platforms for some time. They have to stay "with it".

But they always do that. I think the real, big improvement is going to happen when they get all that going in 64 bit. That would seem to me to be the time to buy in. Let them get the new features worked in and all that de-bugged in the "transition version".

Otherwise, hey, its avid, you can be the first one on your block, and they'll be glad to sell it to you twice. : ) You can even have a "special hardware upgrade trade-in deal". : )