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Old 10-27-2006, 05:49 PM
Jimmix Jimmix is offline
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Default Re: TDM Mixer Overhaul

- Trim / Gain i would say, make it automatable and separate left and right controls for stereo faders or a true balance control.

- yes a phase switch please.

- a preference to make every parameter of a plug-in automatable from the start of instanciatoion with out going through the annoying dialog box.

– how about automatable pre or post settings for the aux sends.

- an MS stereo fader type option

- master faders with sends (this would be nice especially in post.

- an option to quickly visually see all channels that are feeding a particular bus or output.

- when looking at an aux send an button or key command to to open the first plug-in on the aux track receiving that particular bus.

- suspend-able automation by parameter on a track basis. not just read all parameters but instead like the writing options separate reads / disables for volume, mute, pan, aux sends, plug-ins (general dynamics and eq separated)

- automation history and editing between automation takes.

- separate automation play lists for each audio playlist. (thats not in 7.2 is it?...I have not checked lately)

I'll stop here but there are a ton of desirable features not that PT isn't a great platform.

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