Thread: Cloud with 2020
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Old 11-04-2020, 01:05 PM
Darryl Ramm Darryl Ramm is offline
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Default Re: Cloud with 2020

Originally Posted by Dj-Ike View Post
Oops, I forgot to ask:
Everywhere that I look, I keep seeing that 'cloud' is for collaboration. My question is, can I use it for just storing my personal sessions without the need for collaboration? If so, am I limited to the 3-project rule?
Don't do that with Avid cloud... that forces you to store stuff as those unreliable Projects not Sessions. A huge number of people here back up sessions to cloud storage using Google Drive, Apple iCloud, Dropbox etc. The dumber the cloud service the better. You could just copy your session folders to any cloud storage. The thing to be careful of is not to run Pro Tools on those cloud storage images. It might run but will be unreliable, and you especially cannot collaborate with other users over sessions on cloud storage. The way I use cloud storage is the sessions live/are used only on local disks, I then to compress sessions into archives (use similar to gzip) and upload to Google Cloud using a script that calls a Google cloud API, but you could just use drag and drop that compressed archive (but not the session itself) to a Google Cloud folder. Compressing the sessions into one big file and uploading to the cloud means everything is packaged into one thing and makes it impossible to accidentally run the session from cloud storage, and you can manually keep a running set of backups over time. And although I could automate this. I manually to run my backup script... I want to know that Pro Tools is not running (although I could have the script check that) and I want to manually select what session(s) to back up and when.

Last edited by Darryl Ramm; 11-04-2020 at 04:05 PM.
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