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Old 04-05-2016, 03:14 PM
Jakay Jakay is offline
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: British Columbia
Posts: 147
Default Re: SSD partitioning: yes or no?

I stuck to the basics, which is having a dedicated SSD for my boot disk and program executables, but my spin disks still storing all the samples and files.

I certainly wouldn't house files I work with on the same SSD drive I'm running everything off of, as, and I'm sure you read this, the less rewriting the better.

But as far as I know from the architecture of an SSD, there's not really a benefit to partitioning one unless you NEED to work off of the same SSD you boot from, and even then, it's a marginal advantage. And not one that Apple feels the need to do since they pre-install the OS on the same SSD as documents are stored (just giving you an example here).

Word to the wise too, if you are planning to go this route, make sure you're on top of the SSD's trim settings.
Half in my head, half out of my mind -
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