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Old 03-05-2019, 12:01 PM
jeremiahmoore jeremiahmoore is offline
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: San Francisco
Posts: 517
Default Re: Music w/ lots of level under 30hz. Highpass across Printmaster out?

Yep. No question of value of mixing in a proper stage.

Just wondering if folks regularly place HPF on their outputs.

It’s pretty common w/ design elements to pitch down, or similarly w/ use of sampled instruments in music, and achieve large amounts of subsonic/infrasonic information. This can make it to the master unheard, in the absence of filtering, even on properly set up mix stages...

I seem to be answering my own question:

Do what it takes. If the project needs HPFs, insert them.

Just seeking confirmation / or other approaches from folks who’ve been there.


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