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Old 03-18-2014, 08:44 AM
Phil Ogden Phil Ogden is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 2,110
Default Re: Problems to bus Vintage Filter (and automation)

Sounds like you're using it as a send effect. In which case you're mixing the effected signal (aux return) with the dry / unaffected signal (Channel). When instantiating the plug-in as an insert on a channel (audio track), it's 100% effected signal.

The level automation you are referring to is, in fact, the send level i.e the amount of signal going to the aux. The Cutoff parameters can still be automated on the aux channel but you'll have to do the programming there and not on the audio track.

To achieve the result you want, set the output of the channel / audio track to a spare bus and the input of the aux to the same bus. Send should be zeroed.


Set the send to unity and send to the aux bus but mute the channel output so you get effected signal only.
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