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Old 04-10-2011, 08:11 AM
SoundWolf76 SoundWolf76 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: America
Posts: 17
Default Re: 003 install not working

This has gone from a comical annoyance.. to frustrating.. to absolutely tragic.

Naturally.. windows won't find the Eleven Rack. I pulled out the manual.. followed it step by step. (I'm religious about this with digi gear as they are notorious for fairly poor hardware integration). There is no driver in the install disk.

Are you serious...? I actually have to download the drivers for my Eleven Rack. They aren't included with the purchase. So.. you are telling me that I've paid over $1000 dollars for something that doesn't include something as mundane as the drivers to install it???????

And of course.. the standalone installer isn't actually a driver... it's yet another "installer". Naturally.. it doesn't work and I've still got that yellow question mark giving me the middle finger. As a result.. I can't use Windows' built in functionality to force the driver to install......

For giggles, I called my friend who uses a Steinberg setup. It took 5 minutes to install and get it up and running. At least I can work my session tonight using Steinberg.

However, I've still got 5 hours to try to troubleshoot this. I'd love some ideas....

At this point I'm beyond furious with Avid.
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