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Old 08-27-2018, 03:55 AM
jgro jgro is offline
Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 2
Default Re: make a bounce on half speed..

Hey, I was looking around on forums for a way to do this and found something on another forum that helped me figure out how to make a halfspeed bounce. It's a little convoluted, but it's truly in halfspeed, as opposed to a timestretch of a bounce, and you do not need another recorder to do it. Not sure if it's anything you're still interested in it, but thought I'd post it here anyway in case anyone else stumbles across this thread like I did...

1) solo any tracks that you want to bounce at half speed (or if you want your whole mix, just leave everything as is).

2) do a bounce at DOUBLE the sample rate of your session. For example, if your session is 48k, bounce at 96k. Obviously, if you are recording at max sample rate, this isn't an option. (there is a workaround tho, see below)*

3) go to preferences and click the "Processing" tab and under "Import" make sure the box "Don't Convert Sample Rate on Import" box IS CHECKED. Not sure if it matters, but I also have "Automatically copy files on import" checked.

4) Drag the bounce you just made back into this same session on a new track. Since your session is playing at half the sample rate and it didn't convert this higher sample rate bounce to the session sample rate, it plays back your bounce half as fast. Meaning you now have a halfspeed track in your session of your mix. At this point, you can solo this track and do a bounce as you normally would and you'll have a halfspeed bounce.

It can also be interesting to find ways to incorporate this halfspeed bounce into your session. I especially like this with drums. You can get some really interesting effects by layering a halfspeed bounce of the drum buss against the drums or chopping the bounce up and using the pitched down drums as samples.

*(in the case that you are recording at the max sample rate in the first place, you can still do basically the same thing... Make a bounce from your session and stay at the full sample rate in the bounce and then creating a new session at half the sample rate of that and then just follow from steps 3 on in this new session for a halfspeed bounce. For example, if your original session is 192k, bounce at 192k, make the new session 96k and drag the 192k bounce into that as outlined above. If you then want that halfspeed bounce back in your original session, just uncheck the "Don't Convert Sample Rate on Import" box and drag the bounce you made from the 2nd session into the original session and it will convert it accordingly. Complicated, but it works.)
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