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Old 09-25-2019, 08:38 AM
feakerboo feakerboo is offline
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 233
Default way to lock in top row?

I use VCA spills ALL the time and I'd like to be able to set my top row of encoders to be always sends or always EQ etc.

However every time I attention the VCAs to spill them this defaults back to the page to select send, EQ, comp, etc.

I realize that this is a "feature" however it is really annoying to have to switch this every single time i spill out my VCAs. There has to either be a function that I'm missing (Attention on select button press isn't really an option either) or this should be switched so that if you're on sends on the top row and you select a track that does have or support sends, it just goes blank until you either change it to something else or you select a track that does.
Brad e
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