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Old 08-07-2005, 07:25 AM
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Chris Lambrechts Chris Lambrechts is offline
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Default Re: User tips for D command & D control

6.9 changed some automation button behaviour. One of the things I regretted at first was the fact that you could no longer use the dedicated write/trim/touch/read/latch/off buttons to directly target the auto mode for your focussed track.

BUT ... at the same time it added some cool new ways to use those buttons. Some of these allready existed pre 6.9 ... some are new :

There are the obvious ones like holding option + pushing latch for example will put all tracks into latch mode. Or I usually tend to use that one with the read button to make sure every track is in read mode. Or you can do to selected or do to all for that kinda stuff but there's one in particular that I use all the time to enable a particular automation mode on a specific track or number of tracks :

Say you want to put a particular track thats in read mode into latch mode. No do to select (after you select it first of course) and you definately don't want to push the auto button on the channel strip 4 times (half the tijmes I do that I even push it too many times ending up in a cycle to find the right auto mode. NO .... THIS is the way to do it :

Hold the Latch button on the dedicated auto mode section and THEN push the auto button on the strips you want to put in latch while holding the latch button. Cool huh .....
Chris Lambrechts
Applications Specialist- Live Sound
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