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Old 07-23-2011, 11:33 AM
idu idu is offline
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Posts: 5
Lightbulb Re: MP3 Option for ProTools SE?

yeah.. whatever you say.. when i said i bought all that i was refering to the M-audio Mobile Pre and all my sound stuff like mics and cables and others in order to make recordings... and dude.. nothing is free in this world.. remember that! even when the commercial sais the software is free.. don`t worry.. it is included in the price of whatever you buy... of course i know this is the basic software and mp3 option should be the first of avid worries i think... whatever.. BUT I FIGURED IT OUT HOW IT WORKS AND I HAVE THE SOLUTION!!! to install the MP3 option on ProTools SE 8.0.3 you`ll need to follow those steps:

1. insert ProTools SE 8.0.3 CD (the software the came with your sound card)
2. access My Computer and right-click on the CD>Open
3. Additional Files > 3rd party content > MP3 Option Setup
4. after you install it, when you open Protools SE and want to export your project to MP3 format, a message will appear with an authorization code to enter
5. make a search on the internet and find a serial for MP3 option// serials from ProTools LE 8 are also accepted and available on many torrents// insert the serial once and that`s it.. you will be able to export to mp3s too//i thought about the possibility of posting the serial i used and worked for me here but i think this is not allowed.. but i think i will do so at your demands and if anyone is interested i am so glad i fix that after almost a day spent on the internet reading forums and other sites :))

YOU NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT THAT DISM!!! you know doing just that... spending time on forums, arguing and criticising people and topics :))

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