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Old 07-29-2005, 08:41 PM
David McRell David McRell is offline
Join Date: Dec 1969
Location: Hollywood, CA, USA
Posts: 130
Default LT Pending Delivery Limits

What is with the 20 pending deliveries limit?

I realize this is the LT version, but even so, out of 20 items, the delivery list only shows two or three "Pending" deliveries, while the others are "Received." When that 20-item limit is reached, if one of my users attempts to create a delivery, the client software displays a 'no more connections allowed' message and suggests we contact the recipients and make them delete items from our server.

Is it unreasonable to expect that a pending delivery means an unreceived delivery, and not a received delivery waiting to expire?

Honestly, I would not say our usage exceeds 'moderate volumes of data on a regular basis,' which is how Digidesign describes the LT product.

Can we get a break here?
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