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Old 10-02-2012, 03:11 AM
emiliojazz emiliojazz is offline
Join Date: Sep 2012
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Posts: 23
Default Re: Input Monitoring OFF is here!!!

Demodigi: please note that this topic is for users who want to TURN OFF COMPLETELY input monitoring and want to use an external mixing console for monitoring.
Low latency monitoring isn't a solution for those users, and Automute tries to accomplish this.
Low latency monitoring isn't the same as NO monitoring at all.

EDIT: low latency monitoring disables all sends assigned to record-armed tracks. So for example if I want to add some reverb to my voice "while" recording (and I can, 'cause reverb is not so prone to latency problems as the dry signal) I can't, cause low latency monitoring will disable all sends setup on the recording track.
So, using an external console for monitoring still have some advantages, but unfortunately all versions of Protools until now haven't take this into account...

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