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Old 12-05-2019, 07:16 PM
capt kirk capt kirk is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: vancouver
Posts: 598
Default Re: Will Avid ever add folders and why keep BS'ing about fixes that aren't there?

They are caught in a financial trap. Thats all there is to it. They cannot afford to have the amount of people they used to have , to throw at these problems. Furthermore, people who TRULY understand audio coding are getting EXCEDINGLY hard to find/keep. People have to be trained or sourced from other countries. Have they ever worked on mission critical audio, or did they code some games on an iphone and now theyre in charge of white noise blasts on protools? sync whats that, MIDI never heard of it.....who knows, they're never gonna say, but to stay afloat they need investment , you're money isnt near enough. If folders appear they know people like me will never buy another version, so I think some stuff has to be dragged out , for survival purposes.....why dont they go private?
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