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Old 02-18-2010, 06:43 AM
drenkrom drenkrom is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Quebec
Posts: 395
Default Re: Slaving a video recorder/camera to PT HD transport? Recording synced video with a

I'm not familiar at all with the particular pieces of equipment you're using, but what I've done for such sessions was to run the TC from PT over to our AJA Kona3 video interface located on another machine and patched the output from the camera to an input on the same interface. With the AJA's utility suite, we can then record with BITC. After the session, we ingest the selected takes into the FCP timeline, spot them to their timestamp, cut the video to match and export to whatever format is required. I'd imagine this type of thing could be done with the equipment you listed, but I've never used BlackMagic products and you don't list which model you use.

When I've done this, it was for things that would go to CG and the graphics guys wanted the BITC. It could be done without it, by just logging your video capture to incoming TC.

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