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Old 03-05-2021, 06:56 PM
RoskoVair RoskoVair is offline
Join Date: Feb 2021
Location: Olympia, WA
Posts: 4
Default Automation is grayed out, won't un-gray


I'm new to the community, so I'm sorry if I'm not putting this in the right location... There are a lot of places to post here!

I learned from this video that you can automate your plug-in, specifically the bypass. I followed the instructions in the video, but the automation is not being read, despite being there. I noticed that the selection bar grays out (see screenshot) when I have "(fx a)" selected, whereas it appears normal when any other thing is selected (volume, waveform, etc.).

So I looked in the forum here and it looks like this happens when automation is suspended. So, I went to window, automation, and looked at it, but it doesn't appear to be suspended (see screenshot). In fact, it didn't matter what I clicked on, but none of those buttons did anything.

Is there something big and obvious I am missing here, or should I maybe start over...? Thanks for reading.

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