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Old 01-01-2021, 01:34 PM
Rockman413 Rockman413 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 498
Default Re: Can I use one audio interface with 2 DAW opened at the same time?

Thanks for everyone for replying to my post.
Just wondering:
For using one Coreaudio audio device with multiple DAW, will it affect sound quality or latency technically and AFAYK?
For example:
I use Pro Tools and DP at the same time, at one time I playback from one daw but sometimes I playback from both DAW, will the sound quality I heard is a little bit not as good as I use only one DAW ? Or the recording quality is not as good as when using one daw alone?

Personally my ear can't tell the difference but wondering technically and ass far as you know how the A/D or D/A of a audio interface will work in this situation, if it's pure digital computing and then convert to A then I suppose what we hear is exactly the same.
Mac Pro 3.0G 8 Cores PT HD use with Ensemble Thunderbolt
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